Page 6 - Music Notes - July 2020, Issue No. 1
P. 6

UPCOMING                                         Your Orchestra

   EVENTS                                            Dealing with Covid-19

                                                    It  is  only  understandable  that  the  foremost  matter  in  the  thoughts  of  every
                                                    performing  artist  in  these  days  is  the  Covid-19  pandemic  and  whether  we  will  be
                                                    returning to regular performances any day soon.

                                                    Like  all  other  musical  institutions  worldwide,  SPMO  has  been  hard  hit  by  the
                                                    pandemic, having had to cancel nine of a scheduled eleven performances, including
                                                    the premiere of Mro Mark Agius's Lullaby for Birkenau - A Mass for Peace. Needless to
                                                    say, we are carefully monitoring developments and doing our best to keep abreast of
                                                    the situation while keeping ourselves ready for a comeback once authorities give the
                                                    clearance for large scale performances to take place.

                                                    In the meantime we are proud to have been among the first to take online initiatives
                                                    in  the  very  first  days  of  the  Covid  lockdown,  with  two  collaborative  videos,  one
                                                    featuring  the  Maltese  National  Anthem  and  the  other  featuring  the  well  known
                                                    solemn hymn, Nearer Our God to Thee, with the participation of the St Monica Vocal
                                                    Ensemble. Contrary to the trend, these were not simultaneous online collaborations,
                                                    but individual videos taken by the musicians and singers in their homes which were
                                                    then painstakingly collated and synced by orchestra photographer, Ian Noel Pace

                                                     Furthermore we launched a series of videos featuring solo performances by some of
                                                    our talented musicians and a special viewing of the premiere of Mark Agius' Messa da
                                                    Requiem at St John's Co-Cathedral, in March 2018, throughout the Holy Week.
                                                    Now that restrictions are slowly being eased, we are preparing a series of Chamber
                                                    performances for the summer months, aimed at a more intimate audience, while still
                                                    ensuring that social responsibility is maintained.

                                                    In  the  meantime,  preparations  are  underway  for  the  performance  of  the  Agius
                                                    Requiem,  at  St  Paul's  Metropolitan  Cathedral,    Mdina,  under  the  distinguished
                                                    patronage of HE the President of Malta, Dr George Vella. However, more of that next
     CONTACT US                                     time.  Till then take care and stay safe!

     Would you like to get in touch? Feel free to send us
     an email and we will be very happy to get back to
     you at the earliest possible convenience!


     St Paul Metropolitan Orchestra
     C/o 66, Triq Guze Damato,
     Paola PLA 1243

     Web Site:

     Facebook Page:
     St Paul Metropolitan Orchestra

                                                                  Musicians and singers from the St Paul  Metropolitan
                                                                  Orchestra perform the Maltese National Anthem during the
                                                                  first days of Covid 19
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