Page 9 - Hubert Barnes Flipbook
P. 9
Past experience include geochemical research
on the origin of hydrothermal ore deposits at the Geophysical Laboratory of the Carnegie Institute
of Washington, and extensive consulting on geochemical problems in environmental pollution and in the search for mineral resources. Dr. Barnes has been a consulting geochemist for more than
30 corporations and organizations and was also a board member of Scientific Systems, Inc., Pittsburgh Environmental Systems, and Applied Research and Exploration, Inc.
Dr. Barnes established the Goldschmidt Conferences, the world’s largest geochemical conference.
The Goldschmidt Conference is the premiere international conference on geochemistry. It is owned jointly by the Geochemical Society and
the European Association of Geochemistry. The Geochemical Society is a nonprofit scientific
society founded to encourage the application of geochemistry to improving our understanding of the Earth and solar system. Membership is international and diverse in background, encompassing such fields as organic geochemistry, high and low- temperature geochemistry, petrology, meteoritics, fluid-rock interaction, and isotope geochemistry. The Geochemical Society is affiliated with the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the International Union of Geological Sciences, the Council of Scientific Society Presidents, and is also an allied society of the Geological Society of America.