Page 132 - اول حصه تأسيس
P. 132

First term 2025                                             Experience in English

Word        meaning Synonym Antonym                                  meaning

awake            ‫ مستٌمظ‬sleepless / not sleeping asleep              ‫نابم‬
local            ‫ خاص – ممٌز‬important / particular usual / ordinary ‫ معتاد‬- ‫مألوؾ‬
brave            ً‫ محل‬native / national international ً‫عالمً – دول‬
naughty          ‫ ٌموت‬pass away                  live                ‫ ٌحٌا‬- ‫ٌعٌش‬
true             ‫ شجاع‬fearless / daring cowardly / afraid            ‫جبان‬

                 ً‫ ماهر – ذك‬smart / intelligent stupid               ً‫ؼب‬

                ‫ مشاؼب – مزعج‬bad / noisy         quiet               ‫هادئ‬

                 ‫ ناجح‬lucky / winner unsuccessful                    ‫ؼٌر ناجح‬

                ‫ حمٌمً – صحٌح‬correct / accurate wrong / untrue ‫ؼٌر دلٌك‬
                                                 false / inaccurate

 Prefix/Suffix   Function                        Examples

-ing                       ‫ تكون صفة‬amazing

-y                   ‫ تكون صفة من الاسم‬foggy

-er                  ‫ تكون الاسم من الفعل‬writer

bench a long seat for two people or more                             ‫ممعد ثابت‬

graffiti    writing or pictures that people paint or draw on walls  ‫كتابة ورسوم على‬

kindness    or buildings, although they should not do this           ‫الجدران‬
            the quality of being kind, helpful and caring towards other people ‫طٌبة‬

            say hello to or welcome someone                         ‫ ٌرحب بـ‬/ ‫ٌحٌى‬

lodger someone who pays for a room in a house                       ‫ نزٌل فً ؼرفة‬- ‫ساكن‬

noticeboard a board that people put on a wall to put messages on    ‫لوحة إعلانات‬

paid gave money for work someone has done                            ‫دفغ يالا‬

tenant      someone who pays to live in a house                      ‫مستأجر‬

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