Page 37 - اول حصه تأسيس
P. 37

First term 2025                                             Experience in English

1. Let’s                                     … . 1. Let’s play tennis.
2. We could
3. It would be nice to                       … . 2. We could go to a café for lunch.
4. Would you like to                         … . 3. It would be nice to go on a ferry.
5. Shall                           Inf. … ? 4. Would you like to meet up tomorrow?
6. What shall we                             … ? 5. Shall we go to the museum?
7. Why don’t you / we                        … ? 6. What shall we do this weekend?
8. Why doesn’t he / she                      … ? 7. Why don’t we go swimming?
9. How about                                 … ? 8. Why doesn’t he read a story?
10. What about
11. I suggest            …ing / n… ?  9. How about (going) the park?
                         …ing… .      10. What about watching TV?
                                      11. I suggest visiting the museum.

1. That would be great.               1. No, thanks.
2. That’s a good idea.
3. That sounds like a great idea.     2. I’m very busy.
4. I don’t mind + ( …ing / n. )
5. Ok, why not?                       3. I’m not sure.
6. Yes, let’s do so.
7. I agree.                           4. I’m not very keen on that.
8. I know. I love ( n. / …ing )
9. Fine by me.                        5. I’d prefer to + inf.          (’d = would )
10. That sounds fine.
                                      6. I’d rather + inf.             (’d = would )
   Mr. Hatem El Sherif
                                      7. I don’t know. I’m not good at + (n.)

                                      8. I don’t feel like + ( n. /

                                      9. I don’t really feel like it.

                                      10. I like …, but it would be nice to+inf.

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