Page 7 - اول حصه تأسيس
P. 7
First term 2025 Experience in English
Present meaning past P.P
take ٌأخذtook taken
run ٌجريran run
say ٌمولsaid said
build ً ٌبنbuild build
hear ٌسمعheard heard
go ٌذهبwent gone
see seen
aquarium you can see beautiful fish there يرذف الأدياء انًائيح
bank you can borrow and save money there تُك
gardens -you can see trees and other interesting plants there. دذائك َثاذيح
- a large park or open area where scientists study
plants and trees, which people can visit
library you can borrow and read books there يكرثح
sports centre يشکض سياػی
you can play volleyball, tennis and other
lake sports there تذيشج
monument a large area of water with land around it أثش ذاسيخي
peaceful something that people build to remember يغانى
traffic an important person or event دشكح انًشٔس
especially calm and quiet خاطح- لا عيًا
cars, lorries and motorbikes that use a road َاطيح
more than usual
the place where two roads meet
Mr. Hatem El Sherif 7 01100049437