Page 4 - كورس مهارات اللغة الإنجليزية للمرحلة الثانوية
P. 4

socialise              Mix/associate             Dissociate/disjoin            ‫ ا‬
                    ‫ا‬                                                                  
start                    ‫ا‬ begin                                                          ‫ف‬
                        Familiar/unusual              end/finish
strange                 ‫ م‬Fruitful/profitable            Unfamiliar/common             ‫ م‬
                    /‫ دا‬continual/continuous         Unsuccessful/hopeless            
successful              ‫رك‬ participate in /share                                         
sustainable                                               Temporary/momentary                
                                                          Avoid/avert                        ‫م‬
take part in                                                                                  
                            with                       Beautiful/comforting
terrible            horrible                      active/lively/fresh               ‫ء ا‬
tired               exhausted                     Doubt/suspect                          ‫دى‬
trust                                                                                        ‫د‬
understand            believe                       Misunderstand/mistake
unique               Grasp/comprehend              normal/ordinary                     
               / exceptional                                              
unusual                                              Usual/common
useful                ‫م‬                             Worthless//useless                
variety                                                   similarity                           ‫رد‬
voluntary       ‫د‬  uncommon                     involuntary /unwilling                  
warm                Helpful/beneficial                Cold/cool
wish               ‫ع‬ Diversity/type                   spurn/reject

                   Willing/optional
                  ‫ء‬‫ دا‬heated/hot
                    Desire/hope

1- Choose the Two (2) correct answers out of the Five (5) options given:

1- Pollution not only....our health but also our environment.

a- helps      b- assists     c- aids             d- damages e- endangers

2- We took........of photos during our Nile Cruise.

a- lots       b- loads       c- plentiful d- money               e- several

3- This part of town is famous for being......

a- quiet      b- quite       c- quietly d- calm                  e- noisy

4- Something described as “exotic” is..........

a- ordinary b- usual         c- familiar d- unusual              e- unfamiliar

5- Nature reserves help to......endangered animals.

a- safe       b- protect     c- book d- save                     e- eliminate

6- Covid-19 has had a disastrous.........on all peoples.

a- impact     b- affect      c- effective d- influence e- affection

7- The weather That’s why I’m stuck at home.

a- nice       b- terrible    c- awful                d- final    e- fine

8.The antonyms of "clear" are...........

a- crowded b-populated       c- blocked d- busy                  e-clouded

9.I always feel relaxed with my mother. The antonyms of "relaxed” are....

a- upset b-pleased           c-stressed d-stressful              e-peaceful

10.Some animals live in.............. places where people hardly see them.

a-isolated b- included C-nearly                    d-insulated   e-beaten track

11. Its amazing how often you see drivers using mobile phones. The antonym of the

word "amazing" is..........

a) crowded          b) pretty c) astonishing d) believable e)unremarkable

12.They're lucky that nothing was stolen. The antonyms of the word "lucky" are……..

d) unfortunate e) unspecific c) unfaithful         b)unsuccessful a) unwilling

13- Donating blood helps to save…......

a- injured people b- injured c- the injured d- endanger                      e- endangered

14- Four teachers are going to............ in the next reading competition.

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