Page 15 - Scopus Scholarly Utilisation By Malaysian Public Tertiary Institutions 2020/21
P. 15
Executive Summary
The rating of a university according to the subject of several criteria as a matter of fact, has been set by the use of simple statistical tools such as values, time frequency, percentage and even scatter plots used actively and seriously by consultants appointed by the university. Thus, in order to obtain the highest and best rated results, the thing that needs to be emphasized is how the relevant data can be obtained and stored effectively. Analysis of the number of journal article publications shall also be taken into account as well as the number of citations by peers in the research. The number of citations by external parties to the researcher's article also needs to be done.
Nevertheless, question analysis with own citations can also be studied and dependence on external parties needs to be analysed. The cooperation of each entity or individual in the university directly or indirectly in producing the required input or data.
Taking into account the factors aforesaid, the arrangement of this report will begin by providing the overall ranking for all the universities and Citation & Infometrics Center based on the four (4) items using the two (2) sets of indicators, i.e., Average monthly usage and CAGR over the 18 months. It also discusses the usage composition by the three main public university clusters, i.e., research, comprehensive, and focus. After that, a consolidated overall usage of all the universities is presented, followed by each individual university's usage, whereby a more detailed explanation is followed.
The average usage per month is a simple monthly average calculated over 18 months. These figures provide a benchmark or reference for the number of visits for each item per month by each university. The CAGR is calculated based on the best fitted exponential growth rate that represents the trajectory growth over the 18 months. In other words, it represents the cumulative average growth rate per month of these items starting from January 2020 and how much has increased over the period ending June 2021.