Page 2 - Robert Mason
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Life Reflections Thoughts and Quotes of Robbie
obert Eugene Mason, II was sent forth from heaven by his Heavenly Father with a purpose
and a pre-determined destiny to fulfill. He was gifted to his parents, Lynn M. Green and Robert February 25, 2015
E. Mason on July 7, 1977. Rob or Robbie (called by his family and close friends) at a very Your children need your affection all of their lives whether male or female. Our fathers need healing.
young age, had an innate sense of his calling. He would dance, spin, and tap all around the March 12, 2015
house, choreographing his own moves, moving to his own mental musical medley. Robert loved Last night I was in bed through to this morning suffering from the flu. This morning I prayed and asked God to heal me by the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Tonight I am at the C
to dance! gym working hard like never before. Father I pray that you heal the sickness of the people who believe that you are a healer in Jesus name! Amen!
When he was a young man, he consciously answered his calling to July 14, 2015 R
the arts. Robert desired to perfect his craft and to fulfill his purpose, Thank you Lord for re-writing my history in my family. NO MORE LIMITATIONS! E
so he studied and trained under Spirit Wings, Atlanta Ballet, and July 12, 2015
Alvin Ailey. His gift made room for him and afforded him to per- God makes all things new. Feeling refreshed. A
form in great productions such as “The Color Purple,” “Dream Tribute to my Son
Girls,” “The Nut Cracker,” and “The Heights,” just to name a few. T
I had you at the tender age of 15. As I look back on it, Mary had Jesus at the same age. Some would say, "The gull of you comparing yourself to Mother Mary, after all she was E
As Robbie was pursuing his purpose and fulfilling his destiny, he holy and you......." Although Mary was a virgin and I was not, we still had sons that we loved. We had Sons that were given to us from the Father. You were a gift to me; born
met and married Jennifer Lanet; from this union, they had 2 beauti- 7/7/77, the number of completion. I knew that you were born to worship. Your worship was in the form of singing and dancing. Many did not know that you could sing. Your D
tone was that of an angel. Your dance was that of a warrior. I can't say gone to soon - I can say sent back right on time. I thank the Father that He entrusted me with you. You
ful daughters, Nyla Lynn and Chloe’ Ann-Marie, in whom he loved went back with Him at the age of 39. Jesus took 39 stripes upon His back. You left from here healed.
beyond description. In July of 2012, he and his wife established
City Gates Dance Theater. Robert wrote and choreographed many I'll see you again. My heart is not overwhelmed that you are gone - my heart is overwhelmed that, I like Mary was chosen. T
pieces. He was a great choreographer. He also taught and influenced O
many through his gift of dance. Tribute to my Grandson
On June 3, 2017, Robert completed his destiny. He returned back to his Heavenly Father danc- “Hey Granny, whatchu’ doin’? “I’m sleep, boy!” “Okay, I’m on my way over. Whatcha’ cookn’?” “I said ‘I’m sleep.’ “Okay.” He would drop the girls, Nyla and Chloe off to W
school, then head on over. That was the introduction into the typical day that we would spend together, eating a good meal and watching a good movie. Well, I’ll say, I watched a
ing, spinning, and choreographing moves of worship in the grandstands of heaven. Robert Eu- good movie. Ten minutes into the movie, he was asleep. No matter if he slept all night, a movie would always knock him out. Anything else, he could watch attentively. This was
gene Mason II, you will be greatly missed. Your infectious smile, your gentle spirit, your awe- Rob’s typical way of relaxing and doing what he loved doing, hanging out with granny. O
some creativity and, most of all, your passion for the Lord and savior Jesus Christ. As I reflect back, God had recently afforded us many hours together, laughing hilariously at things that were probably funny to us only, eating food that he sometimes prepared, R
going to the Farmer’s Market to pick up aloe-vera plants for him to make his concoction, but just being together. Rob was very creative in his preparation of food. Sometimes I ate
Robert leaves to celebrate his legacy his wife Jennifer Lanet, his children Nyla Lynn and Chloe’ it, most times I didn’t. LOL! He ate ranch dressing on EVERYTHING! S
Ann-Marie, parents Lynn M. Green and Robert E. Mason, grandparents Joyce M. Parker, Barba- There are so many things that come to mind as I reflect on your life , but one stands out; you went back to the house where you had put the purse with my old coins that were left H
ra Ann Martin, and Albert Green, siblings Jenell, Joyce, Maria, Maurice, Rico, Catrina, and after you bought candy from the candy lady. The purse was still in the wall after over 20 years! You then went to a bank and inquired of the coins and to your amazement, the clerk
went to the back and brought out the very coins that you were looking for, a replica of the ones you bought the candy with! You were so excited to tell me about them, not really
Deandre. A host of uncles, aunts, nieces, nephews, and cousins. letting me know the details until you brought them all to me in the same little tan pouch that I had kept them in. WOW! What restoration of character, woven into you by God, I
himself! Rob, needless to say, I’m going to miss you, boy, but I have such fond memories to reflect upon! P
Kisses toward heaven until we see you again! I’LL SEE YOU WHEN!
Much love,