Page 2 - MCWC - Ordination - Licensure & Dedication - June 3 - 4 2023 - BLUE - Version 2 - Title Change - E-BOOK_Neat
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Praise & Worship Praise & Worship
Greeting Bishop Raphael Green, D.Ed.Min Greeting Bishop Raphael Green, D.Ed.Min
Pastor Brenda Green, M.A.E.M. Pastor Brenda Green, M.A.E.M.
Consecration Ceremony Governor Pastors Consecration Ceremony Governor Pastors
Ministry of the Word Elder Yul Crawford Ministry of the Word Bishop Robin Ricks
Metro City Church Christ Our King Church
Atlanta, GA Bellefountaine, OH
Laying on of Hands Governor Pastors and Guest Presbyters Laying on of Hands Governor Pastors and Guest Presbyters
Licensed Ministers Ordained Ministers
Sharon Boldin Ariel Elizabeth Brown Ruth Barasa Stephanie M. Clarke
Candace M. Jackson Devata Davis, Ph.D. Johnetta Dotson I. Regina Gourdine
Pastor Andrea Poston (UPLA) Tei L. Powell Desiree’ T. Green Richard D. Harvey, Ph.D.
Barbara Jean Ross Ashley J. Thomas Christopher L. Jackson, II Anthony L. Parrish
Joaquin L. Thomas Keanna Meisha White Gina Scales Valerie Denise Smith
Kellin White
UPLA Affliliate Pastors
Minister Trainees Pastors Roger D. & Regina Doyne, Sr. Pastors Sherman & Andrea Poston
Charlene James Janell Elaine Smart
Deadyrea Swain
Communion Governor Pastors
Ordained Deacons / Deaconesses
Charlese M. Evans Felecia Jetawn Hill Acknowledgement & Presentation of Candidates
Betty Morgan Les Morgan Special Thanks
LaRhonda Perry
Communion Governor Pastors Meet & Greet
Acknowledgement & Presentation of Candidates
Special Thanks Now may the God of peace who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead, that great Shep-
herd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you complete in eve-
ry good work to do His will, working in you what is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus
Meet & Greet Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen
Hebrews 13:20-21