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A Mother’s This woman was my rock, always praying for her children, made so many INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES
sacrifices for her family....
DRAFT Missing my mother moment.... OF WISDOM
This pic is almost 20 years old and I remember her words that day.....
Mark Anthony by Mark Anthony
The First “Focus on you and your love ones…..
Be a blessing to a stranger…..”
Princess “Being loving and kind cost nothing…..”
“Some people believe they are so WOKE and everyone is blind, but them.....
Old man, affectionately is what I The benefits of having a conversation with a fool, you know when to shut up.....”
would refer to him as from time “Just because you have a degree and a big office does not make you profession-
to time. Ultimately, he was “You should not marry the box, you should marry what's in the box.....”
Daddy! I would text him every
morning telling him “Good “Self examination is essential.....
Check yourself before checking others.....”
The Only morning, Daddy! I love you!” “The closer your walk with God Almighty, the more you will see yourself.....”
When I would get busy and miss
Son sending him the text he “You want to be successful, change the voice between your ears.....”
would respond “ I haven’t
“Love is the cure for hate.....”
heard from you, checking on “You can walk away from
you.” He was never shy foolishness anytime you get
ready..... Are you ready....?”
about sharing his love for his “When getting older, it makes
first born, his words not you think a little different…..
When getting older, it makes you reflect about your decisions yesterday,
mine. today and tomorrow…..”
Little did he know he was making it hard for someone to fill “Looking in the mirror and making adjustments is a daily choice…..”
his shoes. I would talk to my daddy about everything, and no “It’s about change…..”
matter what the topic was he never judged and always gave “Focus on being a better man……”
“You won’t have to chase true love because it finds you…..”
me sound advice, but always told me to pray first. When I
Family Tributes was a senior in high school I moved back to St Louis and I “Today will be a great day to refocus on you…..”
begged my father not to make me ride the bus, so everyday
“People who are okay with loosing you, let them go…..”
“How beautiful it is to find someone
he would pick me up. One day he was running late per usual
who asks for nothing but your
and I went back inside. Well, he was not happy and got out
The Legacy
of his car, came into the school and found me talking to a
You look at them different…..”
boy. I don’t remember the whole conversation, but let’s just “Once you experience pain from the one you love.....
say the next day everyone was coming up to me talking “Friendship is never one-sided…..”
G-Man and I “When you have a lot on your mind and you have to make some major
would race often, about the encounter. I have so many memories of our time decisions a good run / walk is always good…..”
“Thanking God Almighty for another year…..”
the last time we together because they were usually filled with laughs. I don’t
raced he beat me know if many know this, but my Daddy was funny! He “Only if I could have had a conversation with myself 40 years ago…..
like always. He consistently made me laugh with his shenanigans. Our last What I know now versus what I thought I knew makes a big difference…..”
then took me to conversation was hard, but I will continue to keep it in my “How they say goodbye will tell you everything about why they are not the
listen to a band. I memory. What stuck out the most was him telling me how one…..”
wanted to tell intelligent he thought I was and how proud I made him. Well “Stay humble….. Continue knowing who you are and your worth…..
him once more Daddy, I’m proud of you too. I love you and will forever be Don't get too cocky and think more highly of yourself than you are.....”
before he left this your baby girl. “Life has a tendency to make you shut your mouth and sit down some-
earth that he was Marysia where.....”
a role model for “The sun is shining and everything will be ok…..”
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