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arriette  Kenyatta  Scates,  lovingly   Harriette's  dedication  and  commitment  to  early  child-
                         known  as  'Bay'  to  her  family  and   hood education will continue to impact countless lives            Processional                                                        Saturday, September 9, 2023
                         'Sweetness'  to  her  adoring  husband,   for generations to come.                                             The Family of Harriette Kenyatta Scates                                  Visitation
                         John,  was  called  home  by  the  Lord   Harriette's  faith  was  a  defining  aspect  of  her  life.  She                                                                             10:00 am
                         on  August  24,  2023.  Harriette  was   gave her life to the Lord at the tender age of twelve at          Scriptures (Old & New Testament)
                         the  beloved  daughter  born  to  Elvin   Olivette Baptist Church, and her faith journey continued
        and Gladys Woods on March 11, 1973, in St. Louis, Mis-   at Metro Christian Worship Center for more than twenty                 Elders George & Valerie Smith                                           Celebration
        souri.  Our  Bay  has  left  an  immeasurable  void  in  the   -five  years.  Harriette  was  a  woman  of  great  wisdom,                                                                               11:00 am
        hearts of all who knew her.  Her sudden and unexpected   filled with God's grace, patience, and mercy. She was a            Prayer
        transition reminds us all to stay rapture ready.  She was   beacon of selfless love and faith, and her husband af-              Elder Bradford Barnett                                         Metro Chrisitan Worship Center
        predeceased by her father, Elvin Woods.                  fectionately referred to her as "Sweetness" because of                                                                                    3452 Potomac Street
        Harriette was a proud alumna of Normandy High School,    her embodiment of the fruits of the spirit.                        Musical Selection                                                      Saint Louis, MO 63118
        home of the Vikings, graduating in 1991. She furthered   Harriette  enjoyed  traveling  and  loved  helping  others             Metro Christian Worship Center Living Sacrifice           Bishop Raphael Green,  D.Ed.Min., Officiant
        her education at Central Methodist University, earning a   build  generational  wealth.  She  was  an  intelligent  and                                                               Minister Veeta Jackson-Stallings, Liturgy Facilitator
        BA in Early Childcare and Education. Harriette's passion   classy  lady  who  together  with  her  husband  embraced        Special Remarks
        for  children and  families led her to a  fulfilling career in   multi-level  marketing  for  multiple  streams  of  income,      Elder Marie Jackson, Memphis, TN
        the  childcare  field,  beginning  at  the  St.  Louis  Bibleway   reaching  several  cities  like  Atlanta,  Baltimore,  Chicago                                                                        Interment
        Church  Day  Care  in  the  1980s.  St.  Louis  Bibleway   and Dallas. Her favorite scripture, Jeremiah 29:11, was              Julius B. Anthony, President                                      Memorial Park Cemetery
        Church Day Care became Agape Christian Academy De-       tattooed on her as a constant reminder of her faith and                    St. Louis Black Authors of Children’s                        5200 Lucas and Hunt Road
        velopment  Center  directed  by  Mrs.  Yvonne  Griffin  in   God's promise for her life.                                            Literature and The Believe Projects                            Saint Louis, MO 63121
        1992 where Elder Mark and Desiree’ Green were the prin-                                                                         Quincy Moore, Minister IT
        cipals.  She  later  became  a  Professional  Development   In  the  words  of  the  renowned  theologian,  C.S.  Lewis,            Metro Christian Worship Center                                       Reception
        Specialist  for  the  CDA  Council  and  a  lead  facilitator  of   "The door on which we have been knocking all our lives
        the  S.T.A.R,  Inc.  Program—Let’s  Talk.  Harriette  also   will  open  at  last."  Harriette  Kenyatta  Scates  has  now                                                                   Renaissance St. Louis Airport Hotel
        served  on  the  board  of  T.E.A.C.H,  a  program  that  pro-  walked  through  that  door,  leaving  behind  an  enduring   Acknowledgement and Condolences                                    9801 Natural Bridge Road
        vides funding for teachers to attend college.            legacy  of  love,  faith,  and  service.  Her  spirit,  her                                                                               Saint Louis, MO 63134
                                                                 'Sweetness,' will forever live on in the hearts of her lov-        Life Reflections of a Boss
        She  was  united  in  holy  matrimony  with  John  Weldon   ing  and  devoted  husband,  John  Weldon  Scates,  Sr.
        Scates, Sr. on September 18, 1993, and their union was   (AKA  baby)  who  she  was  in  love  with;  one  son,  John           Read Silently, Soft Music
        blessed with three beautiful children, John  Weldon,  Jr.,   Weldon  Jr.;  three  daughters,  Kenyatta,  J’Honna  and
        Kenyatta Johnaye’, and J'honna Chayah, and in Decem-     Asia; her mother, Mrs. Gladys (Robert) Bullock; sisters,           Musical Selection
        ber  2015,  they  opened  their  arms  and  expanded  their   Tanya  (Keith)  Harvey,  Vanessa  Woods,  Angie  Woods,           Metro Christian Worship Center Living Sacrifice
        family with their daughter, Asia Johnaye. Harriette's love   Kendra  Woods;  brothers,  Jerome  Woods  and  Jim
        and  devotion  to  her  family  were  unparalleled,  and  she   Woods; mother-in-love, Leona Campbell; sisters-in-love,     Homily
        was the true embodiment of a Proverbs 31 woman.          Gail  (Shawn)  Greenlee,  Denise  Blackman,  Karma                     Bishop Raphael Green, D.Ed.Min
                The Early Childcare Innovator Harriette          Scates;  brother-in-love,  Lamarr  Scates  and  a  host  of
                                                                 other relatives and friends.
        In 1999, Harriette and John started their own home day-                                                                     Benediction
        care,  which  evolved  into  "A  Chosen  Generation  Pre-
        School" and eventually became the "A Generation  Cho-                                                                       Recessional
        sen  Pre-School."  Their  school  was  accredited  in  2021
        and partnered with the YWCA in 2022.

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