Page 10 - UN Gabia CCA: Financing landscape databook
P. 10

Estimates of Total SDG financing and donors (2000 to 2013)

                   Fig 16: Between 2000 and 2013, most donor financing 54% was towards SDGs 11, 3 and 16

       Fig 17: The AfDB, EC, GFTAM, World Bank, Japanese and Kuwait accounted for up to two-thirds of financing

               1  This section analyses financing to SDGs before 2015 (2000 to 2013), i.e, before the actual adoption of SDGs. It
               takes donor aid during the period and classifies the expenditure based on the SDGs. For more information,
               please see:
   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15