Page 21 - Buku Oke
P. 21


            Brahma, the Hindu creator god.

                    Mount Bromo is situated in the middle of a plain called the "Sea of Sand" (Javanese: Segara

            Wedi or Lautan Pasir). The Segara Wedi has been a protected nature reserve since 1919. People
            usually go to Mount Bromo from the nearby mountain

            village of Cemoro Lawang. From there people have two

            options  to  continue  the  tour;  either  to  walk  to  the
            volcano which takes about 45 minutes or to take a jeep

            tour, which includes a stop at the viewpoint of Mount

            Penanjakan (or Gunung Penanjakan). People can reach
            the peak of Mount Penanjakan on foot in about two hours.

                    The tribe that lives around Mount Bromo is called Tengger Tribe. Unlike other residents of

            East Java, the TenggerTtribe has unique and contrasting beliefs, languages, and cultures. They have
            an annual tradition which is Yadnya Kasada, also known as Kasodo, which is a traditional Hindu

            ritual. The Kasodo is the ritual for the Tenggerese people to express their appreciation to their Gods,

            who have granted blessings, abundance, and welfare for them.
                    Mount Bromo is also an active volcano, which has erupted several times. Eruptions occurred

            in 2004, 2010, 2011, 2015, and 2016. Mount Bromo showed signs of increasing activity beginning in

            December 2015, when a high volume of smoke came out of the crater. Mount Bromo began to eject

            ash into the air in late November that year. Indonesia Volcano Monitoring Bureau (PVBMG) is the
            institution that issued a warning that prohibited people from climbing Mount Bromo. Later the

            warning was extended to a 1 km exclusion zone and then was extended to a wider range. People were

            forbidden to come down into the caldera floor, which is popularly known as Sandsea.

            1.  From the text above, what is the main idea of the first paragraph?
            2.  What is Mount Bromo famous for?
            3.  How is the name of Mount Bromo come from?
            4.  How can we go to Mount Bromo from Cemoro Lawang?
            5.  Why should Kasodo do by The Tengger Tribe?
            6.  What is usually carried in the ritual of Kasodo?
            7.  Mentions what are the signs of an active volcano?
            8.  What is the function of The Indonesia Volcano Monitoring Bureau (PVBMG)?
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