Page 28 - FEB 2020 Digital
P. 28
Building The Sport Of Steak Cookoffs!
  SCA & Leap Year
By: SC Angus
There’s Gold in Them There Hills
In 1849 there was a cry heard around the country, “There’s gold in them there hills!” and many a prospector headed to California to cash in on the rush. Not much has changed in the past
171 years. California still has people moving there to chase dreams, obtain fame and well, find some gold. The difference these days is the “prospector” doesn’t have to mine nor get wet panning for it. All they need to do is cook the per- fect steak to win the Golden Ticket and Califor- nia is adding more of these opportunities throughout the year thanks, in part, to the BBQHQ.
The BBQHQ is a one stop shop for all things BBQ which was founded by a Southern California Fire- fighter, Eric Rowley whose love for BBQ led him to cook for his fellow fire- fighters. As his passion grew the BBQHQ did as well which led to him part- nering with Todd Larsen in 2015. In 2020, The BBQHQ
has been working closely with SCA OG, Brett Gallaway to make sure there’s plenty of gold to be had throughout the Golden State. We will be looking forward to see- ing many of these “Prospectors” at the World Championship in Oc- tober.
Rule Change
When the SCA began you had to be a legal adult in order to compete for a chance at the golden ticket. Logistics and the sheer newness of this sanction- ing body made it necessary for the cooks to be at least 18 years old. But as the SCA grew and became smoother in operations it became necessary to make some changes as all organi- zations do. Several parents were registering for a con- test, but the real cook was their teenager which led to the first change in the age requirement to 16. This led to the first father vs son at this past World Champi- onships.
As Ken and Brett continu- ally to re-evaluate to make the SCA the best sanction- - 28

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