Page 28 - October 2021 Issue
P. 28
Building The Sport Of Steak Cookoffs!
 Nothing to Scare Here
Ghouls and Goblins will start to come out in full force as this month moves day to day towards Halloween. Stores will line their shelves with bags of candy and costumes for every age. Some of the SCA contests promoters may even encourage visits by ghostly specters or wicked witches to add some spooky excitement. For many, this time of year is their favorite. They look at it with excitement as they ex- press their eerie creativity. For others, they traverse the ob- stacles of cobwebs anticipating the Thanksgiving holiday, thankful they got past all the ‘monsters’ they encountered.
This is the time of the year when the Ancillary cooks take their creativity to a whole new mysterious level. There are so many options to theme their presentation turn-ins while others will keep with the creepy themes of the season. This brings levity and spurs on the creative juices of these cooks. Just looking around during the rest of the year, those who enter the ancillary categories, aren’t scared one little bit to turn in something crazy.
With the continual emphasize on the ancillaries, more and more are setting their fears aside to enter. As we enter into this frightening month, if you’re thinking about jumping into the field of ancillaries, take the leap. When is comes to this creative side of the SCA contests, there’s nothing to scary here.
Business Partner
A staple at every SCA event is Brad Barrett and GrillGrate has been a partner from the very beginning helping each champion gain the ring they wear. Often the question is asked by someone just starting out in steak competitions, “What is the one must have to compete?” Always at the top of the list of essentials is GrillGrate, sometimes even above
“a good grill.” GrillGrate began in 2007 and has been fea- tured on just about everything from the Today Show to Consumer Reports. We are forever grateful to Brad and GrillGrate as they continue to back our vision and partner with us each year.
Event Spotlight
Although there are steak cookoffs all over the country, sometimes certain areas just don’t see very many and this - 26

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