Page 38 - October 2021 Issue
P. 38

 Smokin’ Times
Official newsletter of the
The mission of the California Barbecue Association is to teach, enjoy, preserve, and promote barbeque as a true American food. To help various children’s charities in California by conducting barbecue events throughout the state of California.
  Team of the Year ToY
TOP 10 as of 6/5/2021 1) Big Poppa Smokers 2) B’Mackin
3) Meat Candy Q
4) Mudville BBQ
5) Burnin And Lootin
6) Simply Marvelous BBQ 7) Bull Market BBQ
8) Old Town Franklin BBQ 9) Lady of Q
10) Hickory and Spice BBQ
Board of Directors
Craig Yeszin, Tom Gearhart, Kyle Casazza, Rick Mysse, Stephen Biggs, Dennis Daniel, Melanie Price, Matt Bergen
Craig Yeszin,, VICE PRESIDENT Thomas Gearhart, Treasurer
Jim Kirchner, SECRETARY
Melanie Price,
Non-BoD Appointees
Eric Gorham, MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR Marcia Montgomery, Business Membership
Tracy Allen, SMOKIN’ TIMES EDITOR Kathleen McIntosh,
         CBBQA Yearly Membership
Regular Membership..................$36.00 Business Membership..$75.00
 AKBBQA + CBBQA = Fun, fun, fun!
Earlier this year in April, Harry Soo and I were invited by Mike Bowles, president of the Alaska BBQ Association, to observe and mentor a backyard contest sponsored by his organization. The BreakUp ShakeUp contest was a one-day chicken and ribs con- test with an extra Chef’s Choice entry. Bleeding Heart Brewery and Matanuska Brew- ing Company hosted this 17-team contest in the pretty city of Palmer.
We loved our visit so much that we came back in August to teach a Comp chicken and SCA steak class and brought our friend, Ric Gilbert of Ric’s Righteous Ribs in San Jose, with us. Ric stayed at a nearby cabin called Grandma’s Place where a moose and two calves (plus a rainbow) frequented.
On our off day, we had fun going to the Alaska State Fair, since our California state fair was once again canceled. We watched big burly lumberjacks saw, climb and roll on logs. It has been a hard year on everyone so making a trip up to Alaska with one of our oldest BBQ friends was a real treat.
   OCTOBER 2021

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