Page 16 - January 2022 Barbecue News Magazine
P. 16
Ardie Davis
aka Remus Powers BBQ Hall of Famer
Now that we’ve said goodbye to 2021, it is fun to anticipate and predict what could be in store for us in the New Year and be- yond. Although some of our future can be predicted with a high degree of certainty, the lion’s share is subject to so many “what if’s” in our increasingly interde- pendent planet that accurately predicting the future is akin to predicting next month’s weather, regardless of where you live. With that in mind, here are some brain candy predictions about what’s in store for us this year and beyond:
In the Year 2022:
- More upscale barbecue restaurants will be staffed with in- house Craft Beer Cicerones to advise customers on beer & barbecue pairings.
- Ground will be broken in London for the construction of an International Culinary Expo featuring state-of-the-art interactive virtual reality displays demonstrating hu- mankind’s culinary history of food sourcing, production,
cooking, presentation, consumption and disposal worldwide.
- Smart refrigerators will be as common- place in developed countries as mobile phones.
- Consumer demand for Old School, New School and Ethnic styles of barbecue will increase exponentially.
In the Year 2050 & Beyond to the 22nd Century:
- The planet will be completely wired. - Driverless transportation in biogas- powered buses, planes & trains will be commonplace.
- Real affordable meat will be mass-pro- duced from animal DNA with cuts made to order and no necessity to raise animals
for slaughter.
- World population will be capped at the capacity of the planet to maintain a sustainable quality of life for all.
- Free education will be universal.
- Organ and other body part replacements will extend human longevity to well beyond 200 years.
- Barbecue will be customized to meet individual standards for excellence.
- Virtual Reality will be so advanced that it will be chal- lenging to tell the difference between virtual and real. For example, sitting down for a one-on-one conversation with individuals from the past will be possible.
- Restaurant and home cooking will be completely auto- mated, done robotically from scratch to cleanup.
- All industrial, agricultural and human materials that are discarded as “waste” today will be recycled and repurposed into valued products.
Whatever the future brings, it will arrive one day at a time. Let us all celebrate this day and each day ahead, and do our best to strive for individual and community excellence. Happy New Year!
Fantastic 2022
and wait ‘til you see 2050!
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