Page 34 - MARCH 2020 Barbecue News Magazine
P. 34

 Annual Banquet
The life of a Minnesotan who enjoys decent weather is crammed into just a precious five or six months. Our BBQ community is no
different, our contests
begin in early May and are wrapped up by September. Most of us love to live here and dealing with the ever changing seasons just comes with the territory. When our BBQ season comes to an end we know at that last contest that we are forced to say goodbye for several months to many friends we have made along the way, but we know next time we see them we’ll just pick up right where we left off.
On February 8th the Min-
nesota BBQ Society, (MBS),
held their annual banquet in centrally located Bloomington. Many of the teams left their sauce stained aprons at home and joined the festivities to reconnect
with each
other and
bring our
back to
BBQ for
the first
time in
months. If
you looked
around the
room all
you would
see and
hear were
By Allen M LeCuyer smiles, laughter, and some of the same old stories
that get told every time BBQ teams get together.
After some appetizers and beverages everyone sat down to share a meal to- gether and to begin the end of the year awards and announcements. The pro- gram began by recognizing and thanking two outgo- ing, valued members of the board, Dick Dahlen and Claire Driessen. All the time, energy, and com- mitment they contributed to our beloved community played a significant part in the growth of our sport. On behalf of everyone in the MBS we say it again, thank you Dick and Claire!
Next up on the schedule was to announce the two new members of the board. David Ellis and Allen LeCuyer were voted in by the members of the MBS,
both bring a passion for compe- tition BBQ to the board and are look- ing for- ward to being a part of this upcoming season.
From there the - 34
MARCH 2020

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