Page 39 - NECT CI Manual
P. 39




        The Gazebo has the original full colour NECT logo displayed on the top on all 4 sides. The side panels of the
        roof of the Gazebo has the green and orange dividers, used within the CI, placed slightly above the social
        media icons. The icons used is used throughout the CI. The drop down sheet on the back of the Gazebo has
        the NECT full colour logo displayed multiple times in a horizontal line on the top section of the sheet. The
        bottom section of the sheet has the divider elements on the bottom right corner with the orange line above
        the green line.

                                                                                          Corporate Manual 2020
        National Education Collaboration Trust
        Na tional E duc a tion Collabor a tion T rus t                                    Corpor a t e Manual 2020             36
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