Page 28 - NECT CI Manual 1
P. 28



                                                                Dear __________________ we present to you NECT’s education response towards mitigating the effects of Covid19
                                                                on learning and teaching, particularly the collaborative efforts we have embarked on with our social partners and the
                                                                department of basic education.
                                                                 When President Cyril Ramaphosa announced the implementation of a nationwide lockdown on 23 March, to combat
                                                                 the spread the Covid-19 virus, life as we knew it would come to a standstill.  FIND OUT MORE O R E
                                                                        NECT & PARTNERS LEAD
                                                                        COVID-19 EDUCATIONAL RESPONSE
                                                                        When President Cyril Ramaphosa announced the implementation of a nationwide
                                                                        lockdown on 23 March to combat the spread the Covid-19 virus, life as we knew it
                                                                        would come to a standstill.
                                                                        The Basic Education sector was among the non-essential sectors to be massively
                                                                        disrupted by the new guidelines on the restriction of movement - also preceded by
                                                                        the early closure of schools announced by Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga
                                                                        a week earlier.
                                                                        I In response to the inevitable delay to the academic year, the NECT and social partners
                                                                        acted promptly to seek strategies to limit the effect of Covid-19 on the 13 million
                                                                        learners and over 440 000 teachers serviced by the public education system.
                                                                        This led to a series of consultative engagements with social partners and NGOs with a
                                                                        view to coordinate joint efforts and resources towards ensuring the continuity of
                                                                        learning during the lockdown.
                                                                        R Read below communiques released by the NECT that highlight the work and
                                                                        progress made towards limiting the effects of Covid-19 on education over the
                                                                        past 8 weeks
                                                                        NECT and partners support minister’s response
         NECT                                                           Feedback on the covid-19 education consultative gathering meeting of the
                                                                        The continuity of learning remains a top priority during the lockdown
                                                                        department of basic education and civil society
                                                                        Education receives much-needed covid-19 support from partners additional
                                                                         nancial resources enable the continued delivery of the education response
                                                                        package mandate
                                                                 Education Dialogue SA:
                                                                 SA Lunch with Teachers on Radio 2000
                                                                 In partnership with Radio 2000 the NECT hosted a series of 20 weekly dialogues on the Royal Playground with
                                                                 David Mashabela from 13 April to 08 May.
                                                                 Working together with the DBE and key partners the radio series aimed  to have meaningful conversations with
                                                                 teachers during the lockdown and to take advantage of the time to refect on the teaching profession.
                                                                 With a range of guests including NECT Chairman Sizwe Nxasana, JET CEO James Keevy, Prof Yusuf Sayed Director
                                                         GET INVOLVED  of the Centre for International Teacher Education, Khanyi Chaba from Old Mutual and Union Leaders, the
                                                                 dialogue series provided audiences with much needed insight into the teaching profession.
                                                        FIND OUT MORE O R E

                                  Dear __________________ we present to you NECT’s education response towards mitigating the effects of Covid19
                                  on learning and teaching, particularly the collaborative efforts we have embarked on with our social partners and the   VISIT THE NECT WEBSITE TO LISTEN TO THE EPISODES
                                  department of basic education.
                                  When President Cyril Ramaphosa announced the implementation of a nationwide lockdown on 23 March, to combat
                                  the spread the Covid-19 virus, life as we knew it would come to a standstill.
                                         NECT & PARTNERS LEAD    Research BootCamp (JET)
                                                                 Education Researchers Response to
                                         COVID-19 EDUCATIONAL RESPONSE
                                                                 The COVID-19 Pandemic
                                         When President Cyril Ramaphosa announced the implementation of a nationwide   NECT education partner JET Education Services  introduced the Researchers Bootcamp titled #Ope-
                                         lockdown on 23 March to combat the spread the Covid-19 virus, life as we knew it   nupYourThinking as a way to contribute research and solutions to the education system during the lockdown
                                         would come to a standstill.   using evidence-based approaches.
                                         The Basic Education sector was among the non-essential sectors to be massively   The research process included various themes exploring mega-, meta- and micro-level educational strategies to
                                         disrupted by the new guidelines on the restriction of movement - also preceded by   be used during times of crisis.
                                         the early closure of schools announced by Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga
                                         a week earlier.         Theme 10  of the study led by NECT National Project Manager, Dr Deva Govender entailed a review of  how
                                                                 education systems were managed during and after a disaster. Four cases were examined: natural disasters (tsu-
                                         I In response to the inevitable delay to the academic year, the NECT and social partners   nami and earthquake) in Indonesia and Haiti; civil connicts in Rwanda, Sierra Leone and Libya and the Vuwani
                                         acted promptly to seek strategies to limit the effect of Covid-19 on the 13 million   district in Limpopo, South Africa; a health pandemic (Ebola) in West Africa; and the COVID-19 education response
                                         learners and over 440 000 teachers serviced by the public education system.    globally and in South Africa.
                                         This led to a series of consultative engagements with social partners and NGOs with a
                                         view to coordinate joint efforts and resources towards ensuring the continuity of
                                         learning during the lockdown.
                                                                  CLICK HERE TO VIEW THEME 10 AND OTHER REPORTS COMPILED BY JET DURING THIS PERIOD.
                                         R Read below communiques released by the NECT that highlight the work and
                                         progress made towards limiting the effects of Covid-19 on education over the
                                         past 8 weeks
                                          NECT and partners support minister’s response
                                          The continuity of learning remains a top priority during the lockdown
                                          Feedback on the covid-19 education consultative gathering meeting of the
                                          department of basic education and civil society
                                          Education receives much-needed covid-19 support from partners additional
                                           nancial resources enable the continued delivery of the education response
                                          package mandate
                                                                 World Book Day 2020
                                                                 On 23 April, the National Reading Coalition joined the world in celebrating the love and culture of reading – a
                                                                 day earmarked on our Calendar as a special occasion which resonates with the Coalitions quest to get South
                                                                 Africa reading.
                                                                 With the world experiencing the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, we rallied our partners to initiate a count-
                                                                 down campaign towards #WorldBookDay2020. The campaign was coined #IloveReading where we asked our
                                                                 network to share mini-video clips of themselves explaining their love for books and reading.
                                                                 See below a compilation video of the best entries in channelling the spirit and magic of #WorldBookDay2020
                                   Education Dialogue SA:         CLICK HERE TO VIEW VIDEO
                                   SA Lunch with Teachers on Radio 2000
                                   In partnership with Radio 2000 the NECT hosted a series of 20 weekly dialogues on the Royal Playground with
                                   David Mashabela from 13 April to 08 May.
                                   Working together with the DBE and key partners the radio series aimed  to have meaningful conversations with
                                   teachers during the lockdown and to take advantage of the time to refect on the teaching profession.
                                   With a range of guests including NECT Chairman Sizwe Nxasana, JET CEO James Keevy, Prof Yusuf Sayed Director
                                   of the Centre for International Teacher Education, Khanyi Chaba from Old Mutual and Union Leaders, the
                                   dialogue series provided audiences with much needed insight into the teaching profession.  UNSUBSCRIBE
                                    VISIT THE NECT WEBSITE TO LISTEN TO THE EPISODES
        NEWSLETTER LAYOUT          Research BootCamp (JET)
                                   Education Researchers Response to
                                   The COVID-19 Pandemic
                                   NECT education partner JET Education Services  introduced the Researchers Bootcamp titled #Ope-
                                   nupYourThinking as a way to contribute research and solutions to the education system during the lockdown
                                   using evidence-based approaches.
         The newsletter has the white monotone logo on the top left corner and is placed on a green background
                                   The research process included various themes exploring mega-, meta- and micro-level educational strategies to
                                   be used during times of crisis.
                                   Theme 10  of the study led by NECT National Project Manager, Dr Deva Govender entailed a review of  how
         on the right side the get involved buttons are added and the social media icons used is consistant to the
                                   education systems were managed during and after a disaster. Four cases were examined: natural disasters (tsu-
                                   nami and earthquake) in Indonesia and Haiti; civil connicts in Rwanda, Sierra Leone and Libya and the Vuwani
                                   district in Limpopo, South Africa; a health pandemic (Ebola) in West Africa; and the COVID-19 education response
                                   globally and in South Africa.
         The green lines and white lines will be used as dividers. The content will be pasted in the content section
         and sections will be divided by diffrent colour backgrounds. The footer has the original full colour logo on
         the left hand side with call to action. All the contact information is added in the bottom green section.
          On the right hand side of the footer the social media icons can be found.
                                   World Book Day 2020
        National Education Collaboration Trust                                            Corporate Manual 2020        25
                                   On 23 April, the National Reading Coalition joined the world in celebrating the love and culture of reading – a
                                   day earmarked on our Calendar as a special occasion which resonates with the Coalitions quest to get South
                                   Africa reading.
                                   With the world experiencing the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, we rallied our partners to initiate a count-
                                   down campaign towards #WorldBookDay2020. The campaign was coined #IloveReading where we asked our
                                   network to share mini-video clips of themselves explaining their love for books and reading.
                                   See below a compilation video of the best entries in channelling the spirit and magic of #WorldBookDay2020
                                   CLICK HERE TO VIEW VIDEO
   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33