Page 32 - Urban Kapital New MAY JUNE 2020 ISSUE
P. 32


         The government enforced isolation  Then, the veteran handling           and thus, can ever comprehend.
         has created some problems, though.  the call can ask about the trigger(s)  Answering my question, Tim simply
         The organisation has seen a rise in  that brought the caller to the service,  stated  that the  “dual life”  of a sol-
         calls from paramedics who are deal-  and ways in which progress can be  dier  is  effectively  the  life  of  a  sol-
         ing with things such as body recov-  made moving forward.               dier – it is what a soldier signs up
         eries from COVID-19. Tim went on                                        and is trained for, although a small
         to explain how future anniversaries  With the biggest two military chari-  percentage of people will be affected
         of the coronavirus lockdown will be  ties in the UK – Combat Stress and  more than others.
         triggering for many 999 personnel.   Help the Heroes – having no 24/7
                                             helpline, Sapper Support provides  Although the British Army is one of
         With PTSD having an incubation  a key lifeline for veterans in need.  the best in the world, no amount of
         period of 5-10 years, mental health  Tim explained how the fundamental  protective gear can shield you from
         amongst veterans and 999 person-    plan is to create a network in which  what you see, feel and experience as
         nel can become a huge problem  veterans can be accessed, and more  a soldier. No amount of kit can miti-
         when this time is reached.          partnerships with veteran charities  gate the traumas that surround war
                                             can be formed, such as with Combat  and leave such scars on one’s men-
         The charity must therefore grow as  Stress and Help the                 tal health.
         much as possible so when this does  Heroes.
         happen, they will be prepared.                                          Discussing the future of Sapper Sup-
                                             Other military charities will be able  port,  Tim  stated  that  in  a  perfect
         Focusing the conversation further  to direct soldiers in need to Sapper  world he’d like there to be a date
         on the 999 personnel that call in to  Support so that they can receive the  where the charity is no longer need-
         use the services provided by Sap-   initial help they require, and then be  ed. As  this  will never  be a reality,
         per Support, Tim highlighted how  redirected back to the charity they   Tim and the rest of the team behind
         the mental health of serving officers  originally reached out to.       Sapper Support must work hard to
         became a priority post-Grenfell. The                                    ensure they run a supreme crisis
         Grenfell tragedy shone a beacon  Questioning Tim on the common  helpline in the UK.
         onto the poor state of mental health  problems that soldiers face and can
         among firefighters, which, unfortu-  lead to mental health  issues, Tim  By developing a fully-fledged service
         nately, is still a heavily stigmatised  was quick to describe five key prob-  by ensuring creative partnerships
         topic within their own organisations.  lems:                            with some of the biggest charities
                                                                                 in the UK are formed, gaining more
         Tim identified how some individuals  1. Marriage breakups;              government funding, and providing
         feel discussing their mental health  2. Triggers  – these  can  be as  sim-  a non-stop service as first-call re-
         could impact their careers by, for ex-  ple as fireworks that are set off on  sponders, veterans in need can get
         ample, hindering promotions. Mem-   Guy Fakes night, where memories of  the help they need before it is too
         bers of the serving 999 community  explosions and gunfire are brought  late.
         are thus more willing to talk to Sap-  back to life;
         per Support than their own occupa-  3.  Anniversaries  of  battles  and  Tim’s desire for the charity he found-
         tional health departments.          deaths;                             ed almost six years ago is to “provide
                                             4. Alcoholism and drug abuse;       a great service with a proven model
         Asking Tim about the importance of  5.  Isolation  –  the  transition  can  be  that works, wouldn’t take that much
         using veterans as call handlers, the  difficult from a life in the military to  to spread and has a structured sys-
         founder of the charity explained how  life as a regular civilian.       tem across the country”. The goal is
         this element provides a bonding op-                                     ensuring this system runs smoothly
         portunity for the caller and handler.  Diving deeper into the issue of iso-  across 10 regions in the UK.
         “Empathy trumps sympathy every  lation, I asked Tim about a precon-
         time”, Tim  went  on  to  say.  Moreo-  ception of mine: do all soldiers live  Thanks to Tim Evers and the won-
         ver, the mutual knowledge and un-   a dual life and can this amplify poor  derful body of veteran volunteers
         derstanding of military lingo provide  mental health and suicidal feelings?  that keep the charity’s services run-
         another platform for a connection to                                    ning on a 24-hour basis, no solider
     MAGAZINE // 32  to vent until a natural hiatus in their  experiences  of a solider are unlike  lives of individuals that keep us safe                                                                                                  MAGAZINE // 33
         be made. The soldier in need is able  It is not difficult to gather that the  will be forgotten or left behind. The
         outlet is reached.
                                             anything the average member of the  can be kept safe, too.
                                             public has ever had to go through,
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