Page 30 - Urban Kapital DECEMBER DIGITAL ISSUE
P. 30


                                   BLACK MEN

            #01                              #02                              #03

            // MO IBRAHIM                    //  DAMON BUFFINI                // LENNOX LEWIS

            Mo Ibrahim is said to be worth $1.1 Bil-  Damon Buffini is said to be worth   Buffini was appointed to then Prime
            lion: This corporate magnate is a Su-  between £100m - £200m: A successful   Minister Gordon Brown’s business
            dan-born British citizen based in Lon-  businessman and a noteworthy philan-  advisory panel.
            don. He co-founded Mobile Systems   thropist, He donated £1.71 million to
            International, a consulting operation   the Buffini Chao Foundation, his char-  Ranked as the third richest black Brit-
            which later sold for $916m. Mo Ibra-  itable vehicle. The Cambridge-educat-  on, with an estimated wealth of £85
            him made his money on Celtel, one of   ed Buffini, was born in Leicester to an   million, is Lennox Lewis.
            the earliest mobile phone companies   African American serviceman and a
            to serve Africa and the Middle East.   British woman. governor of the Well-  Lewis was born in London, he is a
            He sold it in 2005 for $3.4 billion and   come Trust. He was formerly head of   former  world  boxing  heavyweight
            pocketed $1.4 billion. He pioneered the   the private equity company Permira.   champion who won 41 of his 44 pro-
            Mo Ibrahim Foundation, which aims to   Out of a list of 100, Buffini topped the   fessional fights –including victories
            fight corrupt leadership in Africa. The   list as the most powerful black male   against Evander Holyfield, Mike Tyson
            foundation gives a lifetime award of   in the Britain by New Nation. He also   and Vitali Klitschko.
            $5 million over 10 years to retired Af-  ranked number three by the Times
            rican heads of state who have left their   Power 100 for people who hold sway
            countries materially better off.  over British Business. Boasting power
                                             and influence, together with a person-


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