Page 52 - Urban Kapital DECEMBER DIGITAL ISSUE
P. 52

                 REAL PEOPLE

                           18 months ago, 5 surgeons and 35 support  //18 MONTHS
                           staff at the Royal Papworth Hospital in Bir-
                           mingham, performed a record breaking 5  AGO, 5 SURGEONS

                           organ transplants in just 36 hours.
                                                                     AND 35 SUPPORT
                           Two men and three women, aged between     STAFF AT THE
                           27 to 67, received between them, 2 hearts,
                           2 sets of lungs and one single lung trans-  ROYAL PAPWORTH
                           One of the recipients was 47 year old
                           Michelle Hemmings from Birmingham.        PERFORMED

                           Michelle has now dedicated her life to    A RECORD
                           raising awareness about the importance of
                           organ donation, and she is particularly keen   BREAKING 5 ORGAN
                           to encourage more people from Black and   TRANSPLANTS IN
                           Multi-Ethnic communities to consider organ
                           donation in the UK.                       JUST 36 HOURS.

                           Michelle says:
                           “I was placed on the transplant list because
                           I had been unwell for around 22 years after
                           being diagnosed with lung fibrosis, which is
                           a lung disease that occurs when lung tissue
                           becomes damaged and scarred. This thick-
                           ened, stiff tissue makes it more difficult for
                           your lungs to work properly. As the  con-
                           dition worsens, a person will become pro-
                           gressively more short of breath. I had my
                           transplant in February 2018.”

                           Despite the operation being so recent. Mi-
                           chelle entered the ‘Transplant Games’ this
                           year to raise awareness. Michelle tells us
                           how the transplant has made a massive dif-
                           ference to her life.

                           “The transplant has changed my life, before
                           the operation it could take me more than 20
                           minutes just to climb a flight of stairs, so
                           I can hardly believe that I have been able
                           to take part in the transplant games so
                           soon after my transplant operation, it feels

                           Michelle’s event involved walking 1.8 miles
                           and her main goal was simply to finish it.
                           CONTINUED OVERLEAF...

     MAGAZINE // 52        Image: Michelle Hemmings                                                                                                                                                                                         MAGAZINE // 53
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