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Buffalo Museum of Science
(716) 896-5200
1020 Humboldt Parkway, Buffalo, NY 14211
Ages: all ages
Cost: Adults $11, Seniors 62+ $9, Students & Military with ID $9, Children 2-17 $8,
Children under 2 free
Dates: all year round
Time: Monday& Tuesday 10-4, Wednesday 10-9, Thursday to Sunday 10-4
Since 2010, the BMS has been on an aggressive path to renovate all of the museum’s
permanent exhibit experiences, transforming its former diorama-based exhibits into
eight highly interactive and immersive science studio exhibit spaces. These studios and
accompanying workshop spaces leverage collections pieces as a foundation of history
and information, and then combine them with immersive exhibits and environments
to create modern exhibition spaces. The museum has also added the Explorations Early
Childhood Gallery to its permanent offerings, as well as the National Geographic 3D
Cinema presented by M&T Bank.
Wheelchair Accessible? Yes
Buffalo Niagara Heritage Village
(716) 689-1440
3755 Tonawanda Creek Road, Amherst, NY 14228
Ages: all ages
Cost: $8 adults, $6 children, military and seniors
Dates: Wednesday through Saturday, May through October
Time: Wednesday and Friday 9:30 am - 4:30 pm, Thursday 9:30 am - 8 pm, Saturday 12
pm - 4 pm
Our mission is to preserve and interpret the story of Buffalo Niagara for the people of
today and the community of tomorrow.
Museum of disABILITY History
(716) 629-3626
3826 Main Street, Buffalo, NY 14226
Cost: $6 adults, $3.50 students, seniors & human service employees, $3.00 children
6-17, 5 and under free
Dates: Tuesday-Saturday
Time: Tuesday-Friday 10 am - 4 pm, Saturday 10 am - 2 pm
The Museum of disABILITY History is dedicated to advancing the understanding,
acceptance and independence of people with disabilities. The Museum’s exhibits,
collections, archives and educational programs create awareness and a platform for
dialogue and discovery.