Page 5 - Rec Directory 2018-19 single page_Neat
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    Challenger Sports of WNY
    Western New York
    Linda Conlin
    Ages:  All ages
    Cost:  All sport games and events are sponsored through donations and fundraisers
    and are free of charge except for bowling.
    Dates and times vary due to sport
    Open to players of all ages - each player has a physical or mental condition that limits
    their participation in other competitve sports programs.  Games are structured to allow
    players to be involved as they are able.  Traditional rules are modified and the focus is
    always on having fun while learning the game.
    There are a variety of sports offered including baseball, bowling, golf, volleyball, soccer,
    football and hockey.


    WNY Adaptive Water Sports
    (716) 364-8219
    (Mail only) 3621 Stony Point Road, Grand Island, NY 14072
    Ages: 10-70
    Cost:  Free programs include fishing, paddling, sailing, scuba and waterskiing.
    Donations gratefully accepted.
    Dates:  Seasonal, by appointment
    Please call or check the website for more details on event times and places.
    Wheelchair Accessible?  Yes


    Albright-Knox Art Gallery
    Karen Duval - (716) 270-8249;
    1285 Elmwood Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14222
    Ages: Adults
    Cost:  Free
    Dates:  First Saturday of each month and 2nd Wednesday
    Time:  Saturday 10:30 am - 11:30 am Wednesday 1:30 pm- 3:30 pm; Groups only
    The Albright-Knox offers free Verbal Description Sensory Tours for adults who are blind
    or partially sighted. An in-depth verbal description tour is enhanced by engaging
    several senses, often including, but not limited to, the sense of touch. Tours are given of
    select works from the Albright-Knox’s collection.
    Wheelchair Accessible?  Yes
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