Page 11 - MUIDS EBOOK2019
P. 11

eslos                                                                    EXPECTED SCHOOLWIDE LEARNER outcomes

           STRATEGIC LEARNERS                                   INNOVATIVE THINKERS                                ARTICULATE COMMUNICATORS

            •  Recognize what is important to know and           •  Build on the ideas, explanations and reasons    •  Listen, read, write and speak for different
                understand                                           of others                                          purposes using different methods
            •  Reflect on our learning and how our mistakes      •  Apply what we know to analyze, evaluate         •  Tell what we understand and how we
                help us improve                                      and solve problems                                 understand to different social groups
            •  Plan how to learn without wasting time            •  Be creative and original                        •  Use technology and media to clarify,
            •  Use technology to do research and to work         •  Use technology to create high quality               explain and state our ideas


            •  Show behavior that is moral, honest and           •  Live a healthy lifestyle and                              •  Bulid teamwork and leadership to
                correct, according to society’s rules                be responsible citizens                            achieve common goals
            •  Encourage honesty, justice and peace in           •  Respect other cultures and those                •  Work through our differences and
                the community                                        who are different from us                          accept group decisions
            •  Show we are hard-working and caring               •  Show concerns and responsibilities              •  Evaluate how well we work
            •  Use technology in ways that do no harm                for the well-being of the community                together and give one another
                                                                 •  Use technology to promote                           helpful feedback
                                                                     community services                             •  Use technology to solve our problems
                                                                                                                        and do our work together

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