Page 20 - OPTA Access Spring 2022
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CENTRAL District Report Kenneth Kirby PT PT DPT – Chair
Greetings fellow members of the OPTA I hope you have had a a a a a a a a wonderful holiday season and are ready to “Spring Forward” into a a a a a a a a a a fun and and exciting year for our association Our district and and its leadership team are excited about resuming business as usual with our first meeting occurring in in in in in February to plan this year’s calendar of of events events Be on on on the the lookout out out for PT Pub Nights continuing education offerings and other events events to to further your involvement and and engagement with the the the OPTA Be sure to to save the the the dates and and bring a a a a a a friend! We look forward to seeing each and and every one of you in in person and and for for those who cannot attend we will hopefully have virtual options available!
To cap off our our fall happenings our our PT Day of of Service Food Drive event was was a a a success It was was held as part of of the global PT Day of of Service and APTA’s 100 Days of Service celebrating the final 100 days of the APTA Centennial We managed to completely fill my truck with food for donation to the Mid-Ohio Foodbank My wife and I were able to to deliver the items to to an overwhelming response of thanks and gratitude I want to personally thank thank all of those who participated through advertisement setting up collection sites and the donation of items The kindness and outpouring of support were immeasurable and many lives in the community we we served were improved through the provision of meals On a a a a a a sad note we have had several board members step down for various reasons and I would like to thank each and every one of them for their time of service to both our district and association In light of this we are actively recruiting for multiple open board positions They are as follows:
• Vice president
• Treasurer
• Legislative Action Coordinator
• Political Action Committee (PAC) Coordinator
• Education Coordinator
• Student Representatives x2 - one each from The The Ohio Ohio State University and The The Ohio Ohio University with terms to begin in in May
Please review the volunteer webpage which includes links to to to all things you need to to to know to to to further engage with the OPTA and your district (https://www ohiopt org/ page/Volunteer) Please reach out to me (https://www ohiopt org/page/CNDistrict) with any questions you may have We look forward to hearing from you and helping you find the right fit within our amazing group In closing I I want to express my appreciation for each and every one of you Caring for others is not always easy and we we are seldom rewarded for a a a a a job well done Take pride in in the small successes - functional gains restoration of of independence maintenance of of a a a a good quality of life and helping someone return to their prior level of activity Thank you you for for all that you you do to care for for our our patients and advance our our profession!
For more information contact Ken at:
kenneth kirby@osumc edu • OCTOBER CEU
Webinar on telemedicine
4th Annual Student & Clinician Research Symposium
As our mentorship program continues to to develop we invite students and young clinicians who exhibit leadership qualities to join us for our monthly conference calls and all all district events For more information contact Jeff at:
jmhohl@gmail com EAST CENTRAL District Report Jeff Hohl PT PT DPT – Chair
The East Central District is is hopeful in 2022!
In January The East Central District’s board met in Akron OH to plan the upcoming year of events We have numerous member recruitment and social events planned including three District Socials with PACcy hours! Attend and get one raffle ticket towards a a a a door prize Attend all three socials
and increase your chances! Additionally we are planning to to offer two CEU
events later this year to to promote the professional growth of of our members! CEU
dates & locations are tentative and subject to change so please check the calendar online for more details as they become available 20 20 | | March 2022 | | OPTA 

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