Page 21 - OPTA Access Spring 2021
P. 21

Southwest District Report Tracy Moody Cessna, PT, DPT – Chair
As I write this article in December of 2020 and reflect upon the year, I want to reinforce the article I wrote for the last ACCESS publication. As a profession we have been able to adapt including taking on different roles, whether that means working in a COVID unit, learning how to homeschool while balancing a work schedule, or changing your career plans. I am proud to say that I am part of this profession with its adaptability. I know this may not be the way we had intended to celebrate our centennial year, but I cannot help but see some similarities in “recreating” our profession to meet the demands of the general population and help people heal and recover.
 Southwest District Report
Tracy Moody Cessna, PT, DPT – Chair
At the district level, we have learned to adapt as In November, we worked with the Central District and well. This year we have learned to hold CEU and Northeast District to help with a student loan debt forum.
As I write this article in December of 2020 and reflect upon the year, I
district meetings virtually. We have learned to This was a great panel discussion that Daniel Chelette, wcoallnatbotorarteimnoforercweitthhoeuarrnteiciglehbIowrinrogtdeisftorirctshelasPtTA,DCPCTE,OSCSSp,CuSbClSic,aFAtiAoOnM.PATsfacilitated.Wewereableto
including hosting a very successful food drive hear different backgrounds and experiences including,
profession we have been able to adapt including taking on different roles,
of collecting over 1,700 items and helping with but not limited to, Gregory Kline, PT, DPT, EdD, MBA,
whether that means working in a COVID unit, learning how to homeschool
a student loan debt forum. Our year was broken Michelle Masterson, PT, Ph.D., and William Butler, PT, DPT,
while balancing a work schedule, or changing your career plans. I am
up into a very busy and successful first couple financial advisor.
proud to say that I am part of this profession with its adaptability. I know
months, a long break due to COVID, and then a
In December, we had an exceptional collaboration with tvheirsy mbuasy lnaostqbuearthereowf tahye wyeearh. ad intended to celebrate our centennial
year, but I cannot help but see some similarities in “recreating” our
Our most recent events consisted of a remote SCS, CSCS, Erin Hofmeyer, PT, DPT, GCS, and Carolyn
profession to meet the demands of the general population and help
anatomy course under the expertise of Lizanne pMeuollpigleanh, PeTa,lPahn.Dd. Irtewcaosvaenr.exceptional way to kick off the start of our remote events. During
October, we also had our very successful food
Shisler, PT, M.Ed. These bright educators gave us insight
on how to be better clinical educators. I truly applaud
the collaboration as there was representation from every
school, and it was extraordinary to hear and learn from
Jamie Bayliss, PT, MPT, DHSc, Amber Boyd, PT, DPT, DHSc,
At the district level, we have learned to adapt as well. This year we have learned to hold CEU and district
drive and had a small group meet for PT Day this variety of experiences.
meetings virtually. We have learned to collaborate more with our neighboring districts including hosting
of Service to work expeditiously on some averysuccessfulfooddriveofcollectingover1Fi,n7a0ll0y,iptlemasseakenedphanelepyienoguwtfiothruapcsotmudinegnetvleonatsndebtforum.
landscaping at St. Vincent de Paul’s.
planned for the year. We do have a plethora of ways to
Our year was broken up into a very busy and successful first couple months, a long break due to COVID, and then a very busy last quarter of the year. get involved and network with your colleagues despite
SW District Webinar: Gross Anatomy potential COVID restrictions. Also, if you are interested Review of the Lower Extremity in becoming more involved, please reach out to me or Our most recent events consisted of a remoteKatie Mersich, PT, DPT, our nominating chair. Thank you
 anatomy course under the expertise of Lizannefor being flexible and adapting to the changes of the past year. I especially appreciate all the hard work the district
Mulligan, PT, Ph.D. It was an exceptional way to
kick off the start of our remote events. Duringhas done to make the past year a success, and I look
October, we also had our very successful foodforward to more opportunities in 2021.
drive and had a small group meet for PT Day of Service to work expeditiously on some landscaping at St. Vincent de Paul’s.
For more information, contact Tracy at:
SW District Webinar: Gross Anatomy Review of the Lower Extremity
SW District PT Day of Service
 SW District PT Day of Service
OPTA | March 2021 | 21

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