Page 23 - OPTA Access Spring 2021
P. 23
West Central District Report Becky Parr, PT, DPT – Chair
Whew! We made it through 2020! This year has been challenging to say the least, but we are hopeful 2021 will be a light at the end of this dark tunnel.
Unfortunately, all of our continuing education was canceled in 2020 due to the pandemic. At the end of 2020, our WCD board members came together virtually to plan a year of events for 2021. We are starting virtually and seeing where the year takes us. On January 12, 2021, Katie Coleman, PT, DPT educated us on the
With a new year comes new leadership. Heather
Stoner’s term as Chair has come to a close and I
have moved in as Interim Chair. We want to thank
the remaining board members for their continued
assistance in making district events a success: Jim
Cropper, PT, DPT -Treasurer, Shannon Simpson, PTA
- PAC chair, Harold Merriman, PT, DNPoTr, Pth.eDa.,satndDistricPthyRsiecpaloTrhterapy Management of the Pregnant Client. JamieSchairbaum,PT,DPT-MemJbefrfsrheipyCShwaire.rWse,PTW,DePhTad,O18CSat,tCen-OdeMesPaTn-dClehaarniredhowawoman’s
you are interested in making a diHffearpepncyeNineywouYrear mPTeemxabmeirnsatoiofnthaendNcormthmeoansctoDnidsitiroincst!aWndetrheoatpmeent
do have vacancies on the leadership team, so if physiology changes during pregnancy, how to modify the
that everyone had a good New Year, and we are looking forward
to a great 2021. While 2020 was a large change for many of us,
local physical therapy community, please contact ideas for this population. Our next webinar will be on
we were still able to host our annual Marilyn Mount Case Report
me and we will find the perfect fit for you! March 16, 2021. Patrick Berner, PT, DPT, RDN will discuss
For our PT Day of Service, we were not able to do
Keep an eye on social media and the OPTA email blasts
the Wheelchair Costume Clinic as in years past
for registration info for future events from our district.
due to social distancing requirements; instead,
Night. While we couldn’t meet in person for this event, we were
“Integrating Nutrition into Physical Therapy Practice”.
able to organize a fantastic webinar. We had excellent
presentations from our members in the district and I want to
thank everyone who was involved and those who presented!
We look forward to this event in 2021.
we held a food drive. We collected a total of 666 For more information, contact Becky at:
canned items for Good Neighbor House! Thank
you, members, for your support in helping feed
those in our community!
or when able, in-person. However, we are still in the planning
stages with more information to follow. You can find the latest updates posted on the OPTA
We also look forward to hosting more events in 2021 virtually
Northeast District Report
Website, the Northeast District Facebook Page: Northeast District OPTA, on Twitter at: @NE_PT_Ohio, and through our Google Calendar through the Northeast District OPTA, and
through our email District! We hope that everyone had a good New posted on the OPTA Website, the Northeast
Happy New Year members of the Northeast information to follow. You can find the latest updates
Jeffrey Swiers, PT, DPT - Chair
While 2020 was a large change fTorhmeaNnoyrotfhuesa,wsteDisTtwritctterloaot:k@sNfoEr_wPTa_rOdhito,amndeethtrionuggahgoauirnGionopglerson but, until then, be safe and
were still able to host our annualstMaayriwlynelMl.ount Calendar through the Northeast District OPTA, and
Year, and we are looking forward to a great 2021. District Facebook Page: Northeast District OPTA, on
Case Report Night. While we couldn’t meet in through our email
person for this event, we were able to organize a
The Northeast District looks forward to meeting again in
fantastic webinar. We had excellent presentations
person but, until then, be safe and stay well.
For more information, contact Jeff at:
from our members in the district and I want to thank everyone who was involved and those who presented! We look forward to this event in 2021.
We also look forward to hosting more events in 2021 virtually or when able, in-person. However, we are still in the planning stages with more
NE District Webinar: 8th Annual Marilyn Mount Case Report Night
For more information, contact Jeff at:
NE District Webinar: 8th Annual Marilyn Mount Case Report Night
OPTA | March 2021 | 23