Page 24 - OPTA Access Spring 2021
P. 24

The Executive Board and Finance Committee had another successful and busy year in 2020 despite encountering numerous challenges related to the pandemic. The bulk of the approved travel expenses (conferences, meetings, etc.) allocated to the OPTA’s staff, delegates, and Executive Board Members were not encumbered due to numerous cancellations of meetings at the state and national levels.
 At the close of 2020, our investment funds were driven by the strength of U.S. equity markets and continue to exhibit growth and stability in alignment with the Ohio Chapter’s long-term objectives. In 2021, our Executive Board will continually monitor feedback from our chapter’s stakeholders to determine the best course of action if it becomes evident adjustments to our investment strategies are indicated.
The Executive Board and Finance Committees supported the decision to encumber funds in the 2020 fiscal year from the current budget to purchase technology such
as virtual platforms, podcasting, and video production software. This decision has propelled our chapter’s ability to connect with members using state of the
art technology. The additional technology has also strengthened our chapter’s capabilities during virtual events such as conferences and webinars.
The Board of Directors, the Finance Committee, and
our Executive Director closely monitored the budget throughout this past year, and it is projected that our chapter will end the year with a significant net income— details to be published in the next issue of ACCESS.
For more information, contact Greg at:
   24 | March 2021 | OPTA

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