Page 18 - OPTA Access Fall 2022
P. 18

Nominating Committee Report Scott Euype, PT, DPT, MHS - Chair
Hi everyone. I want to send a special thank you to Sanaz Holcomb, Katie Mersich, Allison Durham, Derek Steele, and Timothy Rethorn, who each make up our amazing Nominating Committee. We are thankful to each candidate, who recently ran for OPTA offices, for their willingness to serve. We are so thankful to all of you who recommended colleagues to us to be nominated and slated. Please keep it up! You will be receiving communication from the OPTA soon to recommend the names of your colleagues for open positions in 2023. Please
take the time to share the names of your colleagues to be a candidate for any of the following OPTA positions: Treasurer, Director III, Chief Delegate, and four delegates plus alternate positions. We are hopeful that you will give all the names of your talented colleagues so that the OPTA Nominating Committee will provide another awesome slate for us to vote on next year. If you have any questions about recommending someone for one
of the open positions, contact me. Thank you!
For more information, contact Scott at:
Pediatric Committee Report
Catie Christenson, PT, DPT – Co-Chair Cheryl VanHoose, MHS, PT – Co-Chair
The Ohio Pediatric SIG has been busy these past six months. This group developed a survey that was sent to OPTA Pediatric SIG members and those without a membership. The goal of the survey was to identify what members top priorities were for the Pediatric SIG and what barriers may be present. Ninety therapists participated in the survey with 30% being members, 51% not being members, and 18% were unsure if there were members. The top three priorities listed were
(1) developing a method to connect with other therapists to share ideas,
(2) Develop resources for the website, and
(3) continue to work on legislation to support pediatric therapy services.
The top 3 barriers to being a member were
(1) the cost of a APTA membership which is required to be Ohio APTA member is too high,
(2) not knowing what it offers them, and
(3) being unaware of how to become a member.
A call was placed for volunteers to serve on the Ohio Pediatric SIG and we currently have ten members. Based on the survey results, we are dividing into
three subgroups to work on the top three priorities
of membership (connecting with others, website, and legislation). By developing a method of communication between others and updating the website, we also hope to enhance awareness to non-members on what a membership offers and how to become a member.
If you would like to participate on the Ohio Pediatric SIG or get more information, please contact Victoria Gresh at Thank you!
For more information, contact Catie at:
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