Page 19 - OPTA Access Fall 2022
P. 19

The OPTA Conference Committee has continued to be very busy over the last year and doesn’t expect to slow down! OPTA was able to finally host an in-person Spring conference, TRANSFORM, in April of 2022 which was extremely well received and attended. Highlights included the Past Presidents’ Panel featuring five past presidents and the opening panel discussion on diversity led to a lively discussion among panelists and attendees. Over the conference’s two days, almost 20 sessions were held and the inaugural Crossover Collaborative for our student and early professional attendees was emceed by Scott Euype.
The committee didn’t miss a beat and immediately started preparing for the return of our Fall Conference LEAP on Sept 16 – also being held in person in Columbus. The Fall Conference features nine LEAP Talks, a student and professional platform lecture, 12 poster presentations, and the recognition of Research Grant recipients. We look forward to seeing you there.
Proposals and submissions are very carefully reviewed by all members of the committee for each conference. A more prominent goal for
the committee is to really help new submission authors with mentoring, coaching, and guidance to help further advance Ohio’s presenters. Committee members have met with, and continue to meet with, young professionals and/or seasoned professionals that may be submitting for the first
time, to help advance their skills in submissions and presentation. It is very exciting to help guide and facilitate our professionals in Ohio!
I would again like to personally thank all the committee members for all of their hard work and diligence in continuing to ensure the highest quality of the material. THANK YOU to Dawn Bookshar,
Scott Euype, Kendra Lucas, Jamie O’Brien, Becky Parr, Shannon Simpson, Alex Rospert, and our board liaison Michelle Losurdo! Last but definitely not least, thank you to Patti Geary, who helps keep us all in line and moving in the right direction.
For more information, contact Truly at:
Conference Committee Report Truly Moore - Chair
  OPTA | August 2022 | 19

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