Page 16 - ORA A La Carte Issue 2
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 Founded on thought leadership and service, the ORA is focused on finding sound business solutions for you & your business as our members. Through the preferred vendors in our Vendor Program, we provide a robust selection of cost and time-saving products & services to help you operate your business successfully.
To read about all of our preferred vendors and various services, visit and click on the MEMBER SAVINGS tab. We regularly add new preferred vendors, so check back often! To more about the full vendor program and how to become an ORA vendor member, visit
Metis and
    Bill Henderson
The pressure to fill restaurant jobs is intense. Learning the secrets of recruiting helps you overcome labor shortage challenges to hire the skilled employees you need.
The recruiting can’t start until you know what you’re looking for, so first ask (and answer) some basic questions:
• What positions must be filled?
• What skills and attributes make a good employee in each role?
• What interview questions will reveal their strengths and weaknesses?
Find the right people by asking questions to gauge if they are punctual, humble, have a positive attitude and are quick thinkers. Gone are the days when a “Help Wanted” sign finds the best job candidates. Connect with your best workforce using these seven channels:
1. Call on sources that recruit restaurant professionals and build a database of potential employees. RestaurantZone, Poached and Culinary Agents are examples.
2. Use third-party companies that use qualities you define to gather online applications. One such company is TraitSet.
3. Ask people who already love your restaurant for help. Use your website or social media and link applicants directly to a recruiting site or hiring app.
4. Job boards, networking events and local restaurant associations
can link you to fresh talent or industry veterans.
5. Tell other operators you’re looking for help.
6. Offer your staffers a bonus for new hires.
7. Partner with other restaurants to share part-time employees.
Please connect to this video to learn more.
See you in November at the Mid-American Restaurant Expo!
General Contracting | Construction Management | Facilities Maintenance | Design-Build 175 E. Erie St., Suite 303 - Kent, OH 44240 | 50 S. Main St., Suite LLD - Akron, OH 44308 330.677.7333 |
      Apply for or post a job on the ORA Job Bank. jobbank
Restaurant Construction go together like...
    New Exterior GDelecnkgfaotreBPelanzt aTr–eeS.CGorffeenRoda.s–teSrso,uNthorEthucWlida,teOrHSt. – Kent, OH

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