Page 25 - Volume 19
P. 25
2017 Winter Symposium Wrap-up
By Mark Martin, Fire Chief, Perry Township Fire Department, OFCA 2nd Vice President
This year’s Winter Symposium was held March 28-29, 2017, at the Sheraton Capital Square, with 77 chief officers from across the state
in attendance. The format remains popular as it allows attendees a good balance of time to receive educational information, network with others to discuss current or trending topics and discuss local and state issues with their local State Representative(s).
The Honorable Larry Obhof, President of the Ohio Senate, discussed the importance of the Legislature and the Ohio Fire Chiefs’ Association work- ing together to improve the fire service.
A legislative update was provided
by Michelle Fitzgibbon and Legislative Committee Chair Chief Jonathan Westendorf. There are many issues affecting Ohio’s fire service and the update was informative and appreciated as always.
Mr. Russ Sanders, Central Regional Manager - NFPA, provided an update on items the National Fire Protection Association are tracking.
At the conclusion of the afternoon session, State Representative Jay Edwards (District 94) held a short town hall meeting with several of the volunteer chiefs from his area.
The afternoon presentation “Public Sector Discipline & Conduct Issues” was conducted by Attorneys Mike and Andrew Esposito from Clemans – Nelson & Associates. The presentation examined several case scenarios and
what procedures organizations need to follow to ensure compliance with local, state and federal labor laws.
The legislative reception, held in the State Capitol, provided an opportunity for our legislators to hear first-hand
of the issues faced daily by Ohio’s
fire service. A significant number of legislators took the time to stop in and discuss issues with their Chiefs. These contacts made are especially important as we move forward in offering solutions to the mounting challenges of providing safety for our residents.
The Wednesday morning session began with a presentation by Chief Robert Searles and Lieutenant Ken Winter about the OhTrac – Mass Casualty Tracking System. The morning session ended with a presentation of “Successive Hurdles to Successful Hiring” by Attorney William Evans of Poly Tech Associates.
Mary Pat Helvey, a recent retiree from the OFCA, was presented with a plaque recognizing her many years of service to the Ohio Fire Chiefs’ Association.
I would like to personally thank
all those who helped make this year’s Symposium and Legislative Reception a success - OFCA office staff Mary Pat Helvey, Misha Lawson and Anne Beauch, Chief Jonathan Westendorf, Chair of the Legislative Committee, President Jeff Klein and the Board of Directors, and our Executive Director Michelle Fitzgibbon.
Ohio Senate President Larry Obhof addressing Winter Symposium attendees
I’m sure all attendees walked away with something new from this year’s symposium. The fire service is a con- stantly changing, dynamic industry and as professional leaders, we are expected to know how to handle the changes. The key to success during times of change is to know what resources are available and have the ability to call upon those resources when needed.
The Ohio Fire Chiefs’ Association is committed to providing opportunities where we can network and share infor- mation to ensure that we are proactive and not reactive during times of change.
The 2018 Winter Symposium is scheduled for March 6-7, 2018.
We look forward to seeing you at the
Ohio Fire and Rescue Officer Development Conference in July.