Page 26 - Volume 19
P. 26

Volunteer Corner
By Chief Colin Altman, Committee Chair Miami Township Fire-Rescue
The volunteer committee has been busy working on a training initiative for the volunteer sector.
The initiative began with the circulation of two electronic surveys designed by the volunteer committee. Survey results identified the biggest need was for training of the volunteer fire sector. Respondents also identified cost, schedule and travel distance as obstacles to obtaining the needed training for new and potential officers.
In response to the surveys, the volunteer committee decided to address these concerns by developing a course specific to the volunteer sector. After some research, they decided to look into delivering the National Fire Academy’s Leadership 1
course with assistance from then State Fire Marshal Larry Flowers and Ohio Fire Academy Superintendent Steve Goheen. In addition, two members of the committee attended a train-the-trainer course at the academy so they could deliver the course. The combined efforts of the volunteer committee and the State Fire Marshal’s office resulted in offering the Leadership 1 course on site and at no cost to volunteer departments around the state.
The pilot course was taught in late January and early February. Hosted by Lindsey Volunteer Fire Department in Sandusky County, the class included 36 students
from eight departments. The second course was taught in March. It was hosted by Gorham-Fayette Fire Department in Fulton County. Twenty-three students from 7 departments attended this session.
Students who complete the course receive a certificate from the Ohio Fire Academy.
The course is available FREE to departments as long as three or more agencies participate.
The course is made possible through the partnership of the OFCA Volunteer Committee and the Ohio Fire Academy.
To schedule a course or for more information, please contact committee chair Chief Colin Altman at or (937) 767-7842. u
Congratulations, Delhi Township!
KZF Design is proud to have served
as Criteria Architect for your new Fire Station #36.
Thanks to the Design-Build Team of Turner Construction and SMP Design for a great project!

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