Page 43 - Provet Cloud Basic Guide 11_2019
P. 43

Knowledge base - Attaching files

            Provet Cloud has a built-in ‘Knowledge Base’ which can be used for document management. Super users can
            add files to the ‘Knowledge Base’ and regular users are able to see and open the files. The files can’t be edited
            directly in Provet Cloud but if a file is updated, a timestamp for when the file was modified, is available.

            It is possible to keep files such as medicine datasheets in the inbuilt knowledge base.

            Provet               Cloud               internal               knowledge                database:

            Files in the knowledge base can be attached to medicine items or to consultations and then attached to the
            email sent to the client. Records of the sent emails are kept in the client file.

            A PDF attached to a medicine:

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