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Unlock the Secrets to Mastering Personal
                      and Professional Relationships                                                   THE

           e Power of Reading People is a revolutionary approach to understanding what drives
          the behavior of the people around you—their underlying desires and objectives. When
          you know how to read people, you can begin to communicate more e ectively, which

          is essential to achieving success in any business or personal relationship.                 POWER
          Learn to identify the genuine interests or hesitations in others through a blend of ob-
          servation and empathy, whether it be in a sales presentation or a casual conversation,
          and adjust your communication to resonate more deeply. Leaders, entrepreneurs, and
                                                                                                       OF READING
          anyone who desires to grow or energize their social connections will discover invalu-
          able strategies for recognizing the behavior patterns of those around them.

          Entrepreneur and award-winning orator Frank M. Scheelen                          THE POWER OF READING PEOPLE
          has spearheaded the growth of six  rms internationally, includ-

          ing INSIGHTS MDI International® and SCHEELEN® AG,                                                                      PEOPLE
          drawing on over two decades of expertise. He also lends his sea-
          soned insights on leadership and executive development to the
          Executive Excellence magazine as editor of its German language
          edition, impacting thought leadership across both European
          and U.S. markets.
                                                                                                                   The Art of Mastering
                              As  TTI Success Insights’  Vice President of International
                              Distribution,  M. Vanessa  Boettcher excels in broadening

                              global reach, from Mexico City to many worldwide markets.                       Effective Communication
                              Leveraging her background in multiple languages and commu-
                              nication as well as her international experience, she’s adept at
                              culturally nuanced customer solutions, driven by a deep com-
                              mitment to justice and equal opportunity.

          TTISI.COM                                                        $19.95
                                                                                                                         FRANK M. SCHEELEN

                                               Leadership                                  M. VANESSA BOETTCHER  FRANK M. SCHEELEN and  and
                                      Interpersonal Relations                                                         M. VANESSA BOETTCHER
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