Page 73 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 73



               Cosmic is renowned for its fashion retail in the mass market

               GMD environment. In short, we specialize in rapid rack

               replenishment…with a fashion twist. Our goal is to bring the

               catwalk to the mass market around the world, at

               unbelievable prices. Who needs to buy the expensive fashion

               accessory at sacks when you can buy the exact same item at

               a Pick n Pay, Kmart or Costco? Thus it is Comics' goal to grow

               our current market model, bringing a similar percentage

               breakdown to countries around the world!

                                    G R OCE R Y
                                    A N D G M D                  P H A R M A C Y
                                    R ETA I L ER S               C H A IN S
                                    54%                          33%

                                    F A S H I ON                 T OY
                                    R ETA I L ER S _             R ETA I L ER S
                                    12%                          1%

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