Page 2 - NFL Newsletter October 2020 ClassMembers Edition
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In this Issue
A Message from the Claims Administrator
We We hope you find these newsletters helpful We We use them to explain and clarify our policies and processes draw your attention to key deadlines and important developments or
reminders and highlight other new or
noteworthy issues affecting you and the Program Tell us if there is anything you would like us to to cover We want to to hear from you Call 1-855-887-3485 or
email us if you have questions want to provide feedback or
just need help Remember the best source of information is the Settlement Website where you can find important alerts Frequently Asked Questions or
“FAQs ” official forms and reports on registrations and claims Please check the Settlement Website often for Program updates Claims Administrator
BrownGreer PLC
A Message from the Claims Administrator
New Program Status Reports
By the Numbers
Progress on on Monetary Award Claims Status Report Program Statistics
Audit Activity
Published Decisions by the Special Master
150-Mile Rule for MAF Exams
INSIGHTS Class Members
October 2020 3 3 4 4 5 6

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