Page 5 - NFL Newsletter October 2020 ClassMembers Edition
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claims have been denied after Audit (Row 17) 27
claims are currently in Audit and we are actively reviewing them (Row 11) 0
claims are on hold in Audit because a a a a healthcare provider lawyer or Settlement Class Member has not yet provided information necessary for the investigation (Row 12) 0
claims under review by the Special Masters after an Adverse Audit Report (Row 16) Audit Activity
Given the the the the the interest interest in in in in in in in in in in compensating Settlement Settlement Class Members with with Qualifying Diagnoses and and and the the the the corresponding interest in in in in in ensuring the the the the integrity of the the the the Settlement Agreement we and the the the the Special Masters are are charged with auditing claims This work is is carefully undertaken and reported Rows 11-17 in in Section 8 of the the Summary Report on on the the Settlement Website show claims in in Audit See the Guide to Summary Report for more on on what each Section 8 status means As of October 26 2020:
As a a a reminder it is very important to give full and truthful information to to the doctors evaluating you you and to to the Claims Administrator about your functional abilities including driving working and and participation in various events and and hobbies to avoid delays in in processing your your claim If your your claim is selected for audit cooperate fully with the Claims Administrator to to answer questions and provide information to assure that we can resolve the questions quickly and efficiently October 2020 INSIGHTS Class Members Edition

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