Page 10 - Killip Yearbook Updated
P. 10
Following a November work session, Flagstaff Penca said the need to replace Killip became more
Unified School District has selected Killip Elementary urgent with the flooding risk caused by the Museum
School for replacement using funds from the 2018 Fire this summer. The school’s 9.4-acre parcel will
bond measure. also allow for replacement to occur on the same
property while school is in session.
Groundbreaking on the new $19 million school
that will be built adjacent to the existing school, is When Killip was named for possible replacement,
projected to begin early next year, with completion the school formed a building committee that
by fall 2022. determined some of the school’s needs, such as
“Some of those kids who are kindergartners, first general updates to spaces for physical education
graders, second graders, they’re going to finish out and after-school activities (which are currently held
their elementary career in a brand new Killip school,” in the cafeteria), as well as improved utilities.
said FUSD Superintendent Mike Penca. “With the change in technology, we don’t have the
In a facility assessment conducted in early 2018, capacity of electricity needed for the building,” said
the now-72-year-old school and Kinsey Elementary, Killip Principal Joe Gutierrez. “There are times when
which was built 10 years later, were both we will plug in our computers and stuff and we start
recommended for replacement; costs to repair the throwing breakers, so we have to be careful.”
two schools to last a few more years would have The building committee plans to visit newly built
totaled more than $9 million. schools in the Phoenix area for reference as the
The bond measure allocated a total of $29.6 million planning process begins.
for replacement of one school and renovations to Although design of the new school is still to
Mount Elden Middle School, another of the district’s be determined, Penca and Gutierrez agreed a
oldest identified by the facility assessment for major priority, pending community input, will be to
repairs. Physical updates to the middle school, replicate existing roles and spaces, such as areas
including a new 8,000-square-foot building, began for community gatherings and the school’s green
in July and are scheduled for completion as early as spaces and garden.
this coming fall. Story Courtesy of: Arizona Daily Sun
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