Page 52 - CFCM Nov-Dec-2020 Final_Neat
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                                                             tive particle size.
                                                               EcoShield 386 FD can be applied clear or matched to most custom
                                                             colors for minimal change in surface appearance.

                                                             BASF Launches Waterborne Basecoat Line
                                                             for Body Shops of the Future

         TECHNIBRITE SN 200 tin process provides lustrous, bright tin deposits.
                                           Photo Credit: Industrial Plating, Inc.

         • High purity tin anodes maintain the concentration of tin in
           the plating bath.
         • Sulfuric acid provides conductivity and allows the tin anodes
           to dissolve.     BASF’s Coatings division recently launched a new refinish product
         include-tin-in-your-finishes-portfolio              line. By increasing product efficiency and significantly lowering the
                                                             environmental impact, the products meet the high expectations of
         Cortec Unveils New Fast-Dry Version of Water-Based   modern body shops, BASF says.
         Micro Corrosion Inhibiting Coating                    During the development of the waterborne basecoat line, the focus
         Cortec recently expanded its portfolio of water-based anti-corrosion  was put on sustainability. The formulation optimizes processing prop-
         coatings with a new fast-dry version called EcoShield 386 FD. It com-  erties for fast and efficient application and enables spray painters to
         bines the environmental advantages of a water-based coating with the  produce efficient, environmentally friendly refinishing results.
         performance of EcoShield 386 micro corrosion inhibiting technology in   Aside from reducing CO2 emissions due to shorter process times in
         a topcoat that will force-dry in five to 10 minutes.    the body shop, the value of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is con-
                                         Cortec says the coating  sistently below 250g/l, the lowest on the market, BASF says.
                                       is ideal for manufacturers   “Innovation is a key pillar of BASF’s growth,” says Dirk Bremm,
                                       of pipes, tubes, and other  President of BASF Coatings division.  “The Coatings division has
                                       metal components without  always been committed to exciting the market with the best surface
                                       enough time to cool and  solutions. With the development of our new refinish product line, we
                                       dry the coated parts before  have anticipated the challenges of the changing refinish market and
                                       continuing the production  support our customers when it comes to cutting emissions and
                                       process. The faster drying  becoming more efficient and sustainable.”
                                       time of EcoShield 386 FD   The line is the result of intense research and development by cross-
                                       makes it easier to handle  functional teams as well as customer feedback.
         components that need to be processed and stacked or packed right   “The customers are in the center of everything we do and we rely
         away, reducing or eliminating the problem of hot coated parts sticking  on their feedback to provide the best solutions possible,” says Fabi-
         to each other only to be pulled apart and cause coating failure and  en Boschetti, Director, Global Marketing, BASF Automotive Refinish
         corrosion later.                                    Coatings Solutions. “Together, we tested the products under real-life
           EcoShield 386 FD is a water-based acrylic one coat system (top-  conditions and got the confirmation that the paint system is capable
         coat) that can be applied DTM at 1.5-3.0 mils (37.5-75  m) DFT (dry  of reproducing millions of colors on the market under all climate
         film thickness) to provide protection in harsh, outdoor, unsheltered  conditions. When comparing with existing basecoat lines in the mar-
         applications. It contains 0.6 pounds of VOCs per gallon (72 g/L) and  ket, on average, customers can expect savings of up to 35 percent
         is an alternative to solvent-based and zinc-rich paints. It relies on a  in overall process times through faster application and shorter flash-
         mixture of non-hazardous “nano” sized corrosion inhibitors to pro-  off cycles. Another 20 percent savings can be made as material
         vide a continuous layer of corrosion protection in micro-cavities  consumption is reduced.”
         where traditional inhibitors may leave gaps due to their larger rela-  BASF says the new waterborne basecoat line is not only about

         52   CAnADIAn FInISHInG & COATInGS MAnuFACTuRInG                           nOvEMbER/DECEMbER 2020
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