Page 29 - CFCM Mar-Apr 2021_Neat
P. 29

Manufacturers employ various disper-  one machine making it the most flexible   and manufacturing industrial mixing equip-
         sion tools in the production of paints, inks   equipment on the market,” he adds. “By   ment for more than 60 years.
         and coatings and some of these technologies   using multiple baskets, a customer can make   “The company recognized the need for
         are relatively new solutions to age-old    a color change in less than three minutes.”    blending and dispersion blades that provided
         processing issues. Mixer selection is based   Conn and Company has been designing   true pumping action instead of plowing
         on a number of factors including viscosity
         profile, shear requirement, order of addition
         and throughput.
           In February, BYK-Gardner released its
         new VMA-Getzmann TORUSMILL  2-in-1
         production dispersion system for pre- and
         fine dispersion in one container.
           It calls the technology “revolutionary”
         because the system uses a single, closed con-
         tainer for both pre-dispersion with an
         impeller disk, and subsequent milling with
         an integrated basket mill. The container has
         capacity of up to 2,000 liters. 
           “This is a major advancement in disper-
         sion technology aimed to save time, space
         and manufacturing costs,” says Andreas
         Stummer, BYK-Gardner Business Line
         Manager for Dispersion. 
           The system’s predispersion is achieved in
         the traditional manner with a centrally
         mounted impeller disc. For fine dispersion,
         the centrally mounted basket mill is lowered
         into the millbase. With this system, very fine
         particle size, even nano, and narrow particle
         size distribution are achievable in a short
         time, the company says.
           Stummer says saving time and money
         is still the most important thing to his
           “By designing modular equipment such
         as the 2 in 1 TORUSMILL we are able to
         offer quicker processing times, space
         savings and reduced maintenance costs. We
         are also offering vacuum milling capability
         for our lab and production equipment which
         allows for a more efficient grind and reduces
         additive costs in the process. By removing
         foam we are able to mill faster and also
         have a much higher container fill rate
         post processing.”
           BYK-Gardner is differentiated from its
         competitors because the product line is
         designed with three different safety
         devices including a container clamping
         system, container threshold zones, as well
         as redundant safety switches that exceed
         current safety standards for this type of
         equipment, says Stummer.
           “Our modular design allows customers to
         integrate basket mills,  bead mills, rotor
         stator, vacuum systems, or a wall scraper on
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