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                                           steel substrates. It measures non-conduc-  rent. As the probe approaches a magnetiz-
                                           tive coatings over ferrous substrates. These   able substrate, a magnetic field is induced in
                                           gauges are the go-to measuring appara-  the substrate perpendicular to the current in
                                           tuses in the e-coat and powder coating    the detector coil. The strength of the voltage
                                           industries but can also be used to measure   produced is proportional to the distance
                  Anodized Aluminum.
                                           nonmagnetic metals such as chrome or   from the probe to the ferrous substrate,
                                           zinc plated on steel.              which in turn calculates coating thickness.
                                             The most basic magnetic thickness   Magnetic thickness gauges are often
                                           gauge is composed of a permanent magnet-  paired with eddy current gauges to allow the
                                           ic and a spring. The magnet is attracted to   instrument to measure non-conductive
                                           the ferrous substrate and the force required   coatings over both ferrous and non-ferrous
                                           for the user to pull the magnet off the sub-  substrates. These gauges are easy to use and
                                           strate is correlated to the thickness of the   have come down in price over the past few
                                           coating; the less force required to pull the   years as the technology has improved.
                                           magnet off the substrate, the thicker the   Each of the instruments discussed in
                                           coating. While a coating thickness test    this article are popular throughout the
                                           cannot get any simpler than this analog   surface finishing industry. By knowing the
                  Powder Coated Steel.
                                           method, it is very sensitive to surface   appropriate application of each instrument
                                           roughness, substrate thickness and the   and its limitations, operators can obtain
         are examples of where eddy current gauges   type of steel alloy used, therefore its accu-  accurate and precise data about coating
         are limited. Additionally, these instruments   racy is limited.      thicknesses. By controlling, maintaining
         cannot be used on steel substrates which   A more robust magnetic method is a    and achieving the correct coating thick-
         limits its applications in the surface finishing   magnetic induction thickness gauge. These   ness, surface finishing shops can control
         industry.                         gauges use two coils inside its probe: a mag-  their costs, maintain their quality and
                                           netic coil and a detector coil. It operates by   achieve the best possible finish. n
         Magnetic Thickness Gauge          adhering to the Hall Effect, which states that
         A magnetic thickness gauge is a non-   a voltage is produced when a magnetic field   Connor Stewart, B.Sc., is Technical Sales
         destructive technique that can be used on   is applied perpendicular to the flow of cur-  and Service Representative, Dynamix.

            Coating Thickness Gages

            NEW Design and Features

              NEW Larger 2.8” impact resistant color touchscreen and redesigned keypad for quick
              menu navigation
              NEW Weatherproof, dustproof, and water-resistant—IP65-rated enclosure
              NEW Updated user interface retains the same layout and menus
              NEW Up to 30% longer battery life
              NEW On-gage help explains menu items at the touch of a button
              NEW Ergonomic design with durable rubberized grip
             Backwards Compatibility!
             Accepts ALL coating thickness, surface profile, environmental, soluble salt, hardness,
             and ultrasonic wall thickness probes manufactured since 2012.

                                           DeFelsko Corporation    Ogdensburg, New York USA
                                                Tel: +1-315-393-4450

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