Page 13 - Descriptive Text
P. 13

The Descriptive Text


          Cleopatra  (69-30  B.C.)  is  one  of  the  most

          famous women of all time. A Greek Queen of

          Egypt,  she  played  a  major  role  in  the

          extension of the Roman Empire. She was the

          brilliant and beautiful last Pharaoh of Egypt.

          Historically, she became a queen of Egypt in

          51  B.C.  at  the  age  of  eighteen.  She  was  a

          Ptolemy,  descended  from  one  of  Alexander

          the Great’s generals. When she was twenty-

          one,  Julius  Caesar  became  her  lover.  Seven

          years  later  she  met  Antony.  The  romantic

          tragic  ralationship  continued  until  they  died

          by suicide in 30 B.C.

         PLACE OF HISTORY                                                                                                                                                           11
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