Page 8 - Vanda Williams Order of Service
P. 8

Dementia - Michaela Williams
There are are are 2500 people in Luton alone who are are are diagnosed diagnosed with Dementia there are are are thousands undiagnosed Nanna was one of those diagnosed A stroke in in 2022 ended up leading to a a a a a a diagnosis of Vascular Dementia Dementia is is is the the UKs biggest killer and there will be 1 in 2 people who live with this horrible disease Post diagnosis nothing nothing prepared prepared you you with what was to come nothing nothing nothing prepared prepared you you you for for how how nan’s life would would change and and the person she would would would become and and nothing nothing gets you you you ready for for how how your life would would change Dementia didn’t define nanna though we we never loved loved her any less we we just loved loved this new person she was becoming the same way and protected her even more It was more of of making her as as as as as comfortable and and as as as as as happy as as as as as she she could possibly be and and ensuring she she she lived as as as as as as much of of the same life that she loved as possible We done that nanna was such a a a a a a a a a free spirit she loved loved loved being being out out and and about loved loved loved loved being being around people loved loved loved loved cooking and and always loved loved to help 8

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