Page 8 - The Cuddle School Abuja Exclusive Vol 1
P. 8
Access to
and the
Internet has
become a Embracing Innovation: Introducing
basic need for Computer-Based Test Examination at
The Cuddle School Abuja.
education in We are excited to announce that The Cuddle School Abuja will be
our society implementing computer-based testing (CBT) for our upcoming
examinations, marking a significant step forward in enhancing the
assessment experience for our upper primary pupils (Yr 3-6). This
transition to digital assessments reflects our commitment to embracing
innovation and preparing our students for success in a technology-driven
Kent Conrad world.
Benefits of Computer-Based Testing:
Computer-based testing offers several advantages over traditional paper-
based exams, including:
Efficiency: Streamlined administration processes save time and
reduce paperwork for teachers and administrators.
Enhanced Security: Built-in features ensure test integrity and
minimize the risk of cheating or unauthorized access to exam
Instant Feedback: Immediate scoring and result generation provide
timely feedback to pupils, enabling targeted interventions and
personalized learning.
Accessibility: Digital assessments accommodate a variety of question
formats and can be adapted for students with diverse learning needs.
Preparing for Computer-Based Testing:
To prepare students for computer-based assessments, we will provide
training sessions and resources to familiarize them with the testing
platform and digital testing environment. Teachers and staff will also
receive support and guidance to facilitate the transition to CBT.
Join Us in Embracing Change:
We invite our school community to join us in embracing this positive
change in our assessment practices. Together, we can harness the power
of technology to improve learning outcomes and better prepare our
students for the future.
We Look Forward to a Successful Transition:
As we embark on this exciting journey towards digital assessments, we are
committed to ensuring a smooth and successful transition for our pupils
and staff. Thank you for your support and enthusiasm as we embrace
innovation in education.