Page 49 - Demo
P. 49
Hong Kong's public housing programme strives to enable Hong Kong people to have affordable homes through the implementation of various housing policies and measures.
Public housing
In the first quarter of 2020, some
2.19 million people
(30% of the population) live in
834,200 public rental units
421,500# subsidised sale flats
# The figure does not include
the 322 subsidised sale flats provided by the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) on a one-off basis in 2015/16.
Social security
The Government implements
a non-contributory social
security system to provide
a safety net to those facing financial hardship for various reasons.
Food safety
Hong Kong’s Centre for Food Safety adopts the World Health Organization’s “from farm to table” strategy to ensure food safety in Hong Kong. Every year, about
66,000samples are collected at import, wholesale and retail levels for microbiological, chemical and radiological testing. Overall satisfactory rate of food tested has
consistently been over 99%.
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