Page 14 - 2015WellBeing
P. 14
14 Our people

Discussion and Making a Difference

The demographic trends in the Windsor-Essex County Region point to a
number of challenges for our region going forward. Between and aging
population with fewer young people remaining in our community, to an
increasing reliance on new immigrants to maintain population stability, the
Windsor-Essex region is undergoing a slow but steady transformation.
What is key is acknowledging this transformation and managing change in a
manner that ensures that it is inclusive for all members of our communities.
Social exclusion of population has a direct impact on individuals’ health,
income and overall well-being.xxi

Stemming the tide of young people
leaving our communities

The loss of young people and families from Windsor and the
surrounding communities is of concern. Youth engagement programs
like YKNOT Windsor Essex are important at connecting young
people with opportunities and assisting them staying in our region.xxii
Unfortunately, the hollowing out of Windsor’s city centre and the migration
to the bedroom communities surrounding Windsor has taken away the
connectivity in our region that many young people crave.
With few promising career opportunities and the inability to access the
larger population centres through transit. This may be driving young people
to move onto greener pastures elsewhere, stemming this tide will take time
and effort from parties across our region as a single economic shock could
easily shatter years of work. County youth may also be disenchanted at
not being able to access limited opportunity in Windsor due to a lack of
regional transit.
The first steps of this change could be occurring with the University of
Windsor following St. Clair College in establishing campuses in the city core.
By bringing young people to the downtown during the school year presents
a tremendous opportunity for the schools, businesses and the citizenry to
engage one another in an effort to revitalize this area. Unfortunately only
time will tell if these actions will draw young people back to the centre of
the city and get them to set down roots.

The 2015 Community Well-Being Report
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