Page 22 - Argyle Police Officer Field Training Tips
P. 22
Remember that dispatch also answers the phones that can delay their response on the radio, so if they
don’t answer the radio, don’t call them on the phone.
Don’t get on the radio to let everyone on your channel know that you are in in-route to incidents. Just
go. When you say you are in in-route, you tie up the radio. One person can say they're on the way, just
so the officer that called for help at least knows people heard him, but everyone else should stay the
hell off the radio and just go
Remember that dispatch has their own orders and rules, they don’t know yours, so don’t bother them
with those questions.
It’s important to stay grounded. For example, don’t get all amped up on the radio if some kids run from
you over a speeding violation or something minor because the yelling will cause officers to believe your
life is in danger and they will risk their own lives trying to get to you.
Avoid running a lot of people over the air, it ties up the radio for everyone else, plus if you have a cover,
you can do it from the safety of your MDT
Do the best you can to use your normal tone of voice as much as you can. That a way, when something
is wrong, other officers will know it when you are on the radio.
Don’t question dispatch. They are on your side. If you are dealing with a person and they are telling you
that was dispatch has told you is incorrect, remember that dispatch is not the one trying to get away
with something.
Always be nice to dispatch, after all they are your lifeline.
Speak up, If you're finishing up a call and you hear another unit dispatched to minor call in your area, let
dispatch know you are about to clear and will take that call.
If dispatch asks you to repeat something, it’s because they really didn’t hear you. Don’t get upset about
that, it’s likely that you had wind noise or some other issue that made it difficult for them to hear you.
Never give dispatch a hard time, remember that they deal with a lot of stuff, and they are doing the best
they can from their workspace
When you make a traffic stop, Give a vehicle description. What if that tag does not belong on that car?
What if they hurt you and take off, at least with a description, we have a chance of locating that vehicle